6/15/23 Not an entry really tho

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So as you may know in my tags for this book I have Osdd which stands for Other Specified Dissociative Disorder. I have 7 alters who all function as a different part of living.

Ashton- he handles social situations, and anything dating wise
Alexander- makes sure the meat suit is taken care of, and school
Killer- he pretty much handles mental illnesses for us, and sometimes is the protector
Nycto (pronounced Nigh-k-toe)- they handle happiness and friends
Asher-The old host just kinda hangs out with us
Rosie- She makes sure we get a childhood, because we didn't have one earlier
Elliott (me!)- New host, main protector, and does pretty much everything else

Comment if you have any questions I guess

-The Python System

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