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Maria felt her world crumbling around her. The pain she experienced was almost unbearable. John, her husband, had the audacity to introduce his illegitimate child to her and pass him off as their own. How could he betray her like this?

The child's resemblance to John was uncanny. Every feature, from his eyes to his hair, served as a constant reminder of the infidelity that had shattered Maria's trust.

Overwhelmed with anguish, Maria turned to her dear friend Charlotte, seeking solace in their comforting embrace. Tears streamed down her face as she poured out her heart. "Charlotte, I can't bear this pain any longer. It's too much to bear."

Charlotte held her tightly, offering a supportive presence. "I'm here for you, Maria. I understand the depths of your hurt. Let it all out, don't hold back."

Maria's sobs grew louder, her words broken by despair. "I can't help but fantasize about inflicting the same pain on him. I want him to feel the agony I'm going through. How could he bring that child, that reminder of his betrayal, into our lives? And to expect me to accept him as my own... it's unbearable."

Charlotte listened attentively, her heart aching for her friend. She knew that Maria's pain ran deep, but she also understood the importance of offering support and guidance in moments like these.

"Why don't you spend the night here with me? It would be much better than returning to that wretched man's house." Charlotte suggested, her concern evident in her voice.

Maria pulled away slightly and looked into Charlotte's eyes. "But what about your husband and children?" she asked, worried about inconveniencing her friend.

"Don't worry about them," Charlotte assured her. "My children won't disturb you, and my husband won't object to you staying here. You're like family."

Relieved by Charlotte's reassurance, Maria nodded. "Okay, I'll stay. Thank you."

A warm smile spread across Charlotte's face. "That's good to hear. Take your time to settle in. If you need anything to eat or drink, just let me know."

Maria shook her head, declining the offer. "No, thank you. Right now, I just need some time alone."

Understanding Maria's desire for solitude, Charlotte nodded. "Of course. I'll leave you to it. Remember, I'm here for you. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call."

They embraced tightly, finding solace in their friendship, before Charlotte quietly exited the guest room, giving Maria the space she needed to gather her thoughts and find some peace amidst the chaos of her emotions.

As Maria found herself alone in the guest room, her mind replayed the heartbreaking events that had unfolded mere hours ago. The image of John, her once beloved husband, bringing his secret child to their doorstep flashed before her tear-filled eyes. She could still feel the weight of her emotions, the overwhelming sadness, and the betrayal that had consumed her.

"Why does this have to happen to me?" Maria whispered to herself, her voice laced with anguish. "Why must I endure this unbearable pain?"

The questions echoed in her mind, searching for answers that seemed elusive in the face of such heartbreak.

Maria felt an immense sense of gratitude for having someone like Charlotte in her life, someone who could truly understand and empathize with her pain. Their friendship had endured the test of time, starting from their earliest years and continuing to this very moment. They had shared countless memories and supported each other through life's ups and downs.

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