39 - The Fall From Grace...

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"Nation's top actor is a father?"

Today morning, a woman (Miss C), made an anonymous post in a few social media sites about being the mother of Kim Taehyung's child.

Miss C posted that Kim Taehyung and she had been in a secret relationship, but after getting to know about the pregnancy, Taehyung had started to completely avoid her.

"He stopped coming to see me and didn't answer when I called. I didn't had any choice but to silently endure, for he had all the power and money in the world. He did contacted me after few months, but it was only to tell me to get rid of the baby."

Miss C's post had taken the social media sites by storm. With the post, there were few photos of both of them in rather intimate positions, some aligning with the places that Kim Taehyung was scheduled to be at that exact time.

Stay connected as we bring out more information about this.
Bang Si-Hyuk switched off the video on his lap top and looked at the people in front of him. His head of PR, Im Nayeon, was furiously typing something on her phone. The woman had been awakened at the crack of dawn and by the looks of it, seemed to be functioning purely on coffees from then.

Two representatives from his legal team were also present, as they had to take countermeasures for these alleged accusations. Their top artist was being dragged through the mud in cyberspace and they needed to do some damage control fast.

Jimin was there, as was Taehyung's former manager, Mr Kang. The CEO had personally called him and asked for his input on the situation, since he was the one managing Taehyung's schedule at the time frame stated in the scandal.

And of course, Taehyung. The man of the hour. He had a far-away look in his eyes as he stared out the window in the CEO's office. He was awakened before the sunrise, by the sound of his phone ringing. Within half an hour, he was at his agency, having a series of meetings, this one with the CEO being the latest of it.

The CEO didn't even ask whether the allegations were true, he simply started the discussion about what's happening and what are their plans. Taehyung was grateful for the trust that was placed on him. It made things a little bearable.

He looked at his phone for the nth time but there weren't any messages from Jungkook. The idol was in France for the Cannes film festival, representing the fashion brand he's endorsing, so he probably had no idea about this issue. Taehyung is scheduled to attend the same event but with a two day's gap. He had plans to leave the country this afternoon.

Taehyung didn't want to bother him but he really needed to listen to his fiancé's voice right now. He needed to know that they were still good.

'Idiot!' Taehyung scolded himself. Of course they were good, Jungkook wouldn't believe a random loser on the Internet like that.

"So, what did we have on Taehyung's schedule at that time?"

Jimin quickly checked his tab. "Uhh.. Stars Aligned drama shooting in Jeju-do, few advertisements, two meet-and-greet events, he had a guest appearance in a local university and…." Jimin quickly skimmed through the rest. "Yeah, that's about it."

Bang Si-Hyuk then turned to the former manager. "Mr Kang, did anything out of the ordinary happen there?"

"Not that I remember, sir. If there aren't issues recorded, then it was probably uneventful. I would have made a note if anything happened."

"Okay." Bang Si-Hyuk rubbed his hands. First, we need to stop media agencies from spreading this. Some are already hyping this, as we speak."

"I'm working on it." Nayeon answered without even looking up from her device. "And I'll have you all know, it is turning out to be my worst nightmare!"

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