The Misaki Stairs (Part-Two) (Edited)

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"The Misaki Stairs. It's said you should never step on the fourth stair. And if you happen to break that rule. . .You'll immediately be sucked into another world. The world of the dead. No one will know you're missing. And you'll be ripped into tiny pieces."


The door slammed close, its volume forcing the floor to tremble uncontrollably. You turned around and observed the intimidation of the golden accented door. "Is this the farthest we can go?" You asked. Hanako nodded. "I think so," He answered.

"Then let's look around, the Yorishiro has to be here somewhere," Kou said, walking around. You followed in his instruction and started strolling around as well, cautious. This platform was a lot bigger than the last six. But it was also dark, and you could barely see five feet in front. It was like the fog the dolls liked to hide in. But there were no dolls whispering about you being late to class. And for some reason, the silence was worse. You didn't know what was out there. You guessed the area was somewhat clean though, you hadn't bumped into anything yet.

"Someone's over there!" Kou shouted alarmingly loudly. He was a ways away and you could barely make out his figure. He sounded surprised and nervous so you hurried over, careful with your footsteps. Hanako was also quick to approach Kou, knife out and ready for an attack. Kou was pointing out some kind of silhouette a few feet away, it looked to be in some kind of chair, sitting limply.

It was until then when a spotlight appeared, hovering over the figure. When looking at it you quickly realized it wasn't a person like Kou thought it was. Dread filled your body.

It was all the parts you had collected, mushed together into a messed-up looking mannequin. a turnip head with painted makeup, one muscular arm, one small broom for the other, a muscular torso bearing a skirt, a porcelain leg, and a wheel for the other leg. It doesn't look like a human, especially not a woman.

"Are those the parts we collected?" Kou asked, any fear he previously displayed was quickly replaced with confusion, tilting his head to the side.

"How did we think this would look like a human?" You deadpanned, looking disappointingly at the mannequin-thing, then back to Kou and Hanako.

"Yikes," Hanako said with a grimace. "Is there a reason why you gave it a wagon wheel as a leg?" He asked, gazing over a Kou.

"You said to grab anything we could find!" Kou replied defensively.

"And we had to make the leg a wheel?" You added, furrowing your brows at the random object. But then again, one of its arms was a broom. .

"It was either the wheel or the box." Kou reasoned.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. . ." You said, remembering that you were the one that said the wheel was more leg-looking over a small square box.

You blamed the time limit for this monstrosity. Every platform you conquered, the next one had ten seconds taken off the time limit, resulting in the last item needing to be found in ten seconds. That item happened to be the wheel-leg.

The gentle noise of heels against tile flooring stopped your conversation on the disappointing mannequin. The noise of heels. . .Was that Misaki?

"Someone's coming," You said quietly, turning around to face the noise and readying yourself for the worst. Hanako and Kou turned as well, weapons at the ready. The woman was carrying a lantern, the tiny spot of light slowly becoming bigger and bigger the closer she approached.

"You finally made it," She said kindly. You immediately recognized the voice as the woman from the phone. So this was Misaki. She revealed herself fully, the lantern moving up to her face.

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