Oyasumi (Edited)

366 12 14

"Sometimes, the burden of a person's death can cause the other to lose their own life as well."


"Do you remember the book used to get into the library?" Hanako asked, walking up and down hallways with shelves lined with literature. You shrugged your shoulders. "A weird butterfly showed me and Nene where it was. I don't remember exactly where it went, but I know it's in this area," You answered, gesturing towards the hoard of books in front of you. Hanako sighed, floating to become taller than you. "Then let's just teleport in there!" Hanako said. It had only been a few minutes, but you could tell Hanako was already getting tired of searching.

"I may be a supernatural like you, but that doesn't mean I can do the same things you can," You said, taking a look at the books arrayed neatly in a line. Hanako sighed dramatically, floating away down a hallway of books. "Let me know when you figure it out!" He called, laughing as he left.

You watched as he disappeared. You let out a puff of air, annoyed that he wasn't going to help you. You shook your head and turned your attention away from Hanako, back to observing the books.

"Where's the butterfly when you need it?" You grumbled to yourself, touching and moving around different types of books. You read some of the titles labeled on the spine of the books:

'Poems Of Sharleen M. Davidson'

'Going Home'

'Seventeen Hours'

'The Essence Of A Dreamer'

'What a weird assortment of books,' You thought dimly, and stopped reading, returning your focus to finding the gateway book.

The search was starting to get frustrating. You knew it was on this shelf, but which book was it exactly? You turned around, facing the rest of the darkened library. "Butterfly! Come on! I could really use your help right about now!" You shouted, looking all around the vacant library. You felt weird calling out to an insect, but what other choice did you have? The butterfly knew the answer, and you didn't.

You called out for the oddly colored butterfly a handful of times more, but eventually, you gave up. "The one time I need you, you don't want to show up." You grumbled, turning back around.

You couldn't decide whether you hated this stupid butterfly. Or if you loved it.

There the butterfly was! Perched atop one of the many books, the spine of the book reading the name, 'goodnight.' You thought the name of the book was ominous, but didn't pay any mind to it, there were an abundance of books that had weird titles like this. You reached out for the butterfly, remembering that last time, when Nene did it, the door to the Four O'clock Library revealed itself.

The butterfly looked different, you didn't think it was the same one from last time. This one was almost completely black, with white and gold accents. But like the book the butterfly was placed on, you didn't pay mind to the fact that the butterfly was different.

Before you could touch the butterfly, it disappeared. And like last time, the bookshelf bursted into clouds of fog. You coughed and closed your eyes, fanning away the dust. Like last time, it quickly dissipated to reveal a wooden door.

"Hanako! I found it!" You shouted, turning away from the door. And within the blink of an eye, Hanako was right by your side, as if he never left in the first place.

"Finally!" He exclaimed, acting like the search took years instead of six minutes. You shook your head at his childishness, reaching a hand out and grasping the knob of the wooden door, twisting it and pushing the door open.

Ghost Boy  (Hanako x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now