Ghost Boys (Edited)

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". . Aoi?" Akane called, looking cluelessly behind himself, staring for several seconds. Aoi was just right there, holding his hand as tight as a baby with their mother. But she's not there. She's not there!

"Aoi?" Aoi!" Akane shouted, running down the long hallway, looking around the corner, and fully expecting Aoi to be there, waiting for him with open arms and her signature smile he loved. But she wasn't there either. She wasn't anywhere! Panic started rising in Akane's chest, she was right there! How could she disappear like that? It didn't make sense! It doesn't make sense!

"Minamoto!" Akane called, running back to the president, who was still leaning nonchalantly against the wall, quiet. "Aoi's gone! We need to find her!" Akane declared, rushed. Teru stayed silent, head bowed lowly, paying attention to the dusty floor.

This was the first time Akane'd seen Teru like this, silent, almost as if he was scared to say anything. "What are you doing? We need to find her!" Akane pushed, moving to stand in front of the school president.

Teru forced himself to lift his head, meeting Akane's worried gaze.

He really cared for her, huh?

"You're not going to find her here," Teru said reluctantly, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked to the side, but he couldn't meet Akane's gaze. Instead, he looked out a window, the sun had almost finished its descent behind the mountains. "In the state she was in. . .She couldn't come back." Teru explained dreadfully, monotone.

Akane's eyes widened, his breath shortened, and his chest felt tight. "What. .What do you mean?" He asked slowly, praying it wasn't what he thought it was. Teru still refused to look at Akane. "The moment she stepped foot in that realm. .She. . Was no longer with the living."

". . .What?" Akane said, baffled, confused, scared. Aoi was. . .Gone? Forever? Akane will never see her again? Was that really what Teru was saying?

That doesn't make any sense!

"She's not with the living anymore?" Akane asked, dipping his head low. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Akane took a small step towards Teru, the president looked guiltily down at Akane. "You're saying she can't come back? That's not funny, you know. . ." Akane refused to believe any of it. Aoi was still here! She was somewhere in this school, Akane knew she was!

But at the same time, he knew Teru wasn't the type to lie about such things.

"Did you know?" Akane asked dangerously. "This whole time?"

"Yes," Teru answered quietly. Akane felt a heavy weight on his shoulders, his chest about to explode. He felt his hands starting to shake uncontrollably. Teru knew this whole time. Akane was disgusted with himself that he never figured it out until Aoi was gone. The rage started to creep in, slithering like a snake through his entire being, its venom invading his mind.

He marched forward and grabbed a hold of Teru's collar. The hand that wasn't holding Teru reared back, folding into a tight fist. Without hesitation, Akane brought that fist down on Teru, colliding right into the side of his face. "You son of a bitch!" Akane screamed ferociously.

Teru's head was forced to the side by the force of Akane's fist. Akane wasn't done with him though, he forced Teru forward, then slammed him back into the wall behind him. Teru said nothing.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Akane bellowed, panting from fury. His hands shook like no other. "Well? Why!" Akane pestered. He felt tears starting to poke at the corner of his eyes, he didn't bother to stop them from trailing down his face.

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