🐉Boys are Stupid🐉

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You and Grim groaned as you walked into the cafeteria. "I'm exhausted... We were cleaning all day... And yet, we still have to do a hundred windows..." Grim whined.

You nodded. "I feel ya, but you should try and learn from this experience and maybe, oh, I don't know... don't start fights?"

Grim hissed. "Hey, it was Ace who started it, not me!"

You rolled your eyes. "You also didn't listen to me when I told you to walk away."

Grim huffed. "But he punched you! And you weren't gonna get him for it, and you wouldn't let (D/N) do it either, so I had no choice!"  You rubbed your jaw at the reminder. Ace looked like a noodle, but he had thrown a decent punch at you. Your jaw was throbbing a little.

Grim looked around. "Where the heck is Ace? He should be here by now! Ugh, to make us wait, after what he did... That guy really pisses me off!"

You decided to take a seat, (D/N) curling up by your feet. "Guess we gotta wait for him to get here." Grim grumbled.


"UGH! Now he's super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!" Grim growled.

You were scowling by now too, hands clenching into fists. You were fed up with Ace. First, he insults you. Next, he punches you. Then, he gets you in trouble. And last, he bails on you to do the punishment without him. You rose to your feet. "C'mon, Grim. We're gonna find that bastard and drag him here by his hair. I don't care if he's kicking and screaming while we do it, he is not getting out of doing this punishment." You stomped out of the cafeteria, Grim 'ooooo'ing at how mad you seemed.


"Ace! Get your butt over here! You can't hide from us!" You yelled, poking your head into a classroom. It was empty.

Grim sighed. "There's no one here..." You scowled.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'm here." Said a voice you didn't recognize. You and Grim jumped before whirling around to find... a portrait?

"Ffgnaa!!! The painting just talked!!!" Grim exclaimed.

The man in the picture raised an eyebrow. "Yes, and? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school. The lady over there, the gentleman over here, everyone can speak."

You tilted your head. "Is that so?"

He nodded. "Indeed. If a painting has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?" You slowly nodded to say that it was, watching as (D/N) walked over to the painting to sniff it. "Is that a dragon I see? My my, now that's a rare sight for the school." You shook your head. Your normal and this place's normal clearly differed. You'd never seen a talking portrait before, but saw dragons everyday back home. But here, it seemed the opposite was the case.

"You seem to be searching for someone, is that correct?" The painting asked.

You nodded. "We're looking for this jerk named Ace. He got us in trouble earlier today, resulting in us all being punished. But he didn't show up to do his part of the punishment."

The painting scrutinized your for a second. "A jerk who got you in trouble, you say? He wouldn't happen to be the culprit behind that nasty mark on your face, would he?" You nodded once more. The painting scowled. "Laying his hands on a young lady... Do the boys of this day and age have no manners? What does he look like?"

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