Chapter 22: Autopilot

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Finally being discharged from the hospital was great.

Bucky and Wanda helped me to my room.

Wanda WAS pushing my wheelchair, (even though I insisted I didn't need it) but Bucky thoroughly questioned Wanda's wheelchair-driving abilities.

Explaining "We haven't even left med bay yet and you are going to put her right back in here!"

I had to hide my small laugh, it was cute seeing these two argue over me. It was even cuter that Bucky was so concerned about me.

Bucky did end up winning the argument, pushing my wheelchair to my room.

I distracted Wanda from her sulking by asking her what I have missed. She was more than happy to update me on the latest info and gossip.

Bucky rolled me into my apartment and I instantly tried to get up, Bucky raised his hand to object, trying to get me to take it easy.

But I silenced him quickly when I grabbed his outreached hand and began using him to help myself to my feet.

Once I was on my feet, I held onto the couch for balance. My legs were still a bit stiff from not moving them.

Wanda was continuing to make herself comfortable on my couch, continuing to tell her story.

When I looked at Bucky, he was looking around my living room, still standing relatively close to me, but I knew he was trying to memorize every detail.

"Oh, I guess this IS the first time you've actually been inside my apartment," I said, a little embarrassed. Everything with Bucky has been from 0 to 100, and it has only been a few hours since I'd woken up. But it, I don't know, just felt.... Normal? Like this was something we had all done a million times.

I keep forgetting it isn't.

Bucky's eyes finally look back at mine, and he nods his head.

"Uh.. sorry for the mess. Seems like I have a pest problem." I said while gesturing my head towards Wanda, who was now trying to find the tv remote.

Bucky shook his head and laughed.

My eyes began to feel heavy, and drowsiness filled my body. I let out a little yawn behind my hand.

"Hey, let's get you to bed," Wanda said, walking over and taking hold of my arm to help me to my bedroom.

The next thing I knew, Bucky is beside me, literally sweeping me off my feet. Holding me bridal style, and walking towards my bedroom, all without saying a word.

I glanced at Wanda, who speed-walked past us to grab the door.

Her eyes met mine and I could tell she was trying to suppress her smirk.

Bucky walked into my room, only stopping briefly to access his surroundings.

The room was dark, and Wanda switched the light on as Bucky began carrying me to my bed.

Wanda pulled the covers back, and Bucky slowly and gently lowered me onto my bed.

He reached for the covers and pulled them back over my body.

When he finally looked back at my face, seeing that I had been watching everything he had been doing, a little bit of blush crept onto his cheeks. It's like he was on autopilot for taking care of me.

"Thank You," I said to him, touching his arm.

He smiled, but only a little, and nodded his head.


Wanda came over and kissed my forehead.

The pair of them walking towards my bedroom door.

I didn't really want to be alone...

Wanda turned to look at me as she shut off the light,

"I'll be right outside. I'm staying here tonight, so don't hog the bed." She said in a teasing tone, but with love.

As Wanda closed the door, I could see Bucky behind her, locking eyes with him.

Sending one final shiver up my spine. 

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