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I am proud to announce that I have published Change as an ebook and (working on) a print book... And I hope that the people that have already read it (or those of you who want to read more), will support my jump into self publishing and get a copy.
It's available on Smashwords and most other ebook distributors. The paperback will be published soon. (I had a few mailing issues so didn't get the proof copy yet 🥺☹️ But I will let you know when I it's available too)
To help you find me, look for Author Gabrielle Monego
❤️thank you❤️

Other than Change, I have a few other books out there if you would like to read more of my work and I will be publishing more works this year which haven't been on Wattpad, such as Accidental Assassin (started posting it in Wattpad now)

Thank you,


Change (published)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang