Chapter 6

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The Alpha knew his pack well. In our pack I was one of the boys in our generation. Our family had six kids, consisting of my brothers and cousins and myself, in their late teens early twenties. Eight kids in the younger group and our parents all took active part in our pack community. I got bored easily at big gatherings so usually didn't go unless I was ordered by the Alpha, not directly just a general order that everyone gather. Those didn't happen often, our pack ran smoothly.

This girl obviously didn't know, how could she. Just because I didn't go around picking fights didn't mean I couldn't finish them.
"Gia? Blood Moon Pack? Did you just recently arrive to train here?" I asked, knowing full well that she had been around for at least four years. I remembered her from my brother's initiation ceremony.
"I've been here for almost as long as Matt!" She snapped.
"What is going wrong with your training, our Betas are very capable?" I asked sweetly.

She attacked but my wolf was ready with me as we knew she couldn't let that pass. I'd basically called her incompetent. My hand shot up even as I remained seated, that awesome power I'd felt before flooding my senses. "Stop!"
The Alpha command froze her just before she managed to rake her claw down my face. Her face was a show of panic and hatred as she stood frozen before me, leaning over in her attack. My wolf was still there. Telling me that this female was below us, she had no right to even look me in the eye, she deserved no respect.

"Submit to me." I said in an eerily calm voice that was filled with power. Power that flooded my senses and made everyone around me stand out clearly wether I saw them with my eyes or not. Other than Matt everyone that wasn't related had moved away, their fear tinged the air around us. My wolf liked that. She didn't like that the girl growled and tried to keep our eyes connected. 'Guess we are getting up after all' I told my wolf as I rose slowly, forcing her to move back somewhat but she still couldn't do much.

Power still swirled gently inside me. "Submit to You have no right to question me." Her shoulders dropped as did her arm but her eyes didn't. She was sweating, I saw the tremble in her frame as she tried to fight my soft command.
"SUBMIT!" I snapped as an insane rush of power made me sway in ecstasy.
She dropped almost instantly putting her head on the ground. The ultimate submission in human form.

"Good girl. Now pull it back Ariel and apologize to the others." Matt told me gently as he turned me to see that everyone outside was on their knees. Even my own family.
"No! No! I was just talking to her! Get up you guys!" I said half panicked.
Andrew was the first to comply but he kept his eyes down. My own eyes filled with tears as I saw the others do the same. Nobody even looked at my face after they got up, only Matt.

Matt pulled me into a hug as he coldly told Gia to go inside. She flew away, but only after I yelled 'Go!' when she didn't do as he said. The first tears fell quietly and Matt wiped them away then held my shoulders as he looked into my eyes.
"They know you didn't mean to but it is in their very DNA to bow down to an Alpha, don't be upset crazy pup."
"I'm not a pup!" I snapped.
"There you are!" Matt chuckled. "That's the spirited girl that has turned everything upside down around here!"

A hesitant hand touched my arm. I turned to see my brothers and cousins behind me. All looking at me in awe. "Ariel... You are the most awesome little sister anyone could ever wish for!" Jarred said grinning stupidly, finally meeting my eye.

"Just don't use that shit if we beat your ass when we compete!" Thomas, my most serious brother smiled at me. My cousins laughed and backed him up on that. Harry even thumped me like he did when we were little. Drew pulled me into his arms. "That was awesome! I am speaking for all warriors when I say...thank you sis."
"Why? Explain." I asked with power still leaking from me without meaning to.
"She is such a bitch, in every way of the word. Nothing but attitude to everyone and if she loses in a fight she uses her position as a Beta to browbeat us, making us lose. And she is that freaky sneaky she only does it is the trainers aren't around. If you beat her when the trainers are there she gets you later. She so deserved that from someone, I'm glad it was you!"

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