Chapter 13

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We are one under the moon.
We are one in the hunt!
We are blessed by the goddess and stand proud in the light!
We are one.
We are all.
We are pack!

I felt them, their strength and their confidence in me. They gave me the confidence I needed to let my wolf withdraw from me as we connected with the wolf. We rolled, woman against wolf. I could feel his satisfaction, he thought I was weak. I let him pin my small human body with one of his giant paws on my chest. I heard the gasps of shock around us and as I expected he took his moment to gloat. Arrogance was his downfall. My claw raced up and punctured his chest and my other claw shot at his throat. The arm attached to his throat was pulled down as I pushed my other arm into his chest. He was too late to respond as I ripped his throat clean out.

I didn't want or need his heart but my wolf had her own needs and wants. My legs pushed the stunned wolf to the side. His breath rasping through his torn throat, his body pumping all the energy into trying to heal. He could actually heal from this but I wasn't giving him the chance as I straddled the bleeding wolf on his side. I watched as my hand, my claw, pushed further under his ribs into his chest. I ignored his last feeble attack as his back paws scratched at me and did my best to ignore the still beating heart that my very own hand raised into the air. My face raised to the heavens and a triumphant howl tore from my human throat.

My wolf withdrew and I stood up, dropping the now dead organ beside the shell of the wolf. There wasn't a single sound as I took my first step away from what I'd done. I turned to look only at Andrew and Callen and with a hoarse voice I then proudly stated for all to hear. "We are one."
Together they replied. "We are one." And then, with them I chorused. "We are all. We are pack!"
That was supposed to be all to a victory declaration as my grandfather had taught me but they surprised me. They took a few steps forward and dropped to submission before me saying. "You are Alpha!"

Callen had the fastest response to my nudity. He ripped off his shirt and pulled it over my frame as soon as the Elders took their first steps. It almost came down to my knees, my brother wrapped his arms around me giving me a tight hug. "Good job, next family holiday we'll have Soooo much to brag about!"
"Idiot!" I laughed.

Arseniy and the others reached me, he grabbed my hand and gently kissed it, ignoring the blood, then slowly turned me around by the hand so everyone could see me. "I introduce to you... Ariel Gemma Wilson, new Alpha of Snow Pack. Is anyone opposed?"
Not a single sound.
He smiled. "Good. I'm pretty sure that this fight has confirmed, without a doubt, that she is a new Alpha bloodline and Alpha of Snow pack."
The moment he said that my wolf whimpered, it was my only warning before a force hit me. I cried out in pain and collapsed as my head filled with voices and a flood of emotions.

Arseniy caught me and handed me to Callen who carried me bridal style. His physical presence made it easier to find his voice in my mind.
'What is happening?'
'It's your pack. You killed the Alpha. The Elders confirmed your claim. They're all yours now.'
'It hurts Cal! It hurts so bad!'
He kissed my cheek and I heard his voice clearer now. 'Breath sweetheart. Announce yourself then Drew and me as you Betas. We'll share the load until you adjust.'
"By all things holy..." I groaned out loud.

An accented voice whispered. "Find one voice or emotion that feels good and focus on it. Say hello and if you need to find another one, do that until you get control. Get to know the rest of your pack properly, one at the time, later."

I listened and tried to find one person that stood out. A very pleased voice was repeating the same thing, over and over. 'The king is dead, long live the king! Let hope this one will allow us to sing!'
Found and understood I suddenly realised that we were connected. 'Euh, queen actually."
'What? Who are you?' The connection was open for everyone to hear and Callen nodded to me as I looked at him, he was in as well. The voices died down and the emotions were settling.
'I am your new Alpha actually... so yeah. You now have a queen of sorts. Please let me introduce myself. I'm Ariel Gemma Wilson, the new Alpha of Snow Pack... Your new Alpha.'
'Well, Alpha Wilson, I'm Albert and I think you are amazing. We look forward to meeting you.'
'Albert, I am a package deal with Callen and Andrew, my Betas.'
'And what will our new pack be called? Where are our own Betas that went to the meeting? Will we have to move? How big is her current pack? Ask her Al!' A new voice, cut through the silence.
'Alpha Wilson? May I ask a few questions?'
'I heard Albert, would you please introduce the woman that spoke to you?'

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