🦋𝑈𝑛 𝐵𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑒 𝑃𝑒𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑒🦋

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Master Phineus the Royal Portraitist who also likes to call himself "Master of the paintbrush" was waiting patiently for Prince Kit and the rest of his party to arrive. Before this day, the king had requested that his son be painted in the vision of a marriageable man, the king had told Master Phineus this appeal a few months ago during the days of the late summer. As Kit and his party finally entered the room the portraitist immediately began preparing his wooden pallet from his vast collection of oil and distemper paints. "I shall endeavour to please your majesty, but I can't work miracles." Said Master Phineus to the king while he handed Kit his sword for his image, Kit had put on his royal blue attire decorated with gold-coloured accents for the making of his long-awaited portrayal which was to be sent to the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa and poised himself as Master Phineus required. While still positioned for the painting, Kit had asked his party if his picture would really be sent away to induce the "high and mighty" so that they may bear the necessary considerations to travel such distances to meet his acquaintance, regardless it was merely a simple tradition that has been carried through many times before in their kingdom as well as their country after a portrait had been sent abroad to the nobility they were to send a response through a letter to the recipient of the royal court so that a ball may be constructed in favour of a potential king and queen, and so consequently as a result Kit was to attend a ball in the near future, from which his father had insisted upon for many moons before. The Grand Duke said that it was in the best interest and after all as a result this meant Kit would have to choose a bride-to-be. Being the extremely passionate person he was he used this opportunity to hint once more at the girl he'd met in the forest, "If I must marry...could I not wed...say a good honest country girl?" He said charmingly, and the Grand Duke had responded in a mocking tone asking about how many divisions would the so-called good and honest country girl provide them, and how would she make the kingdom stronger, the Grand Duke then brought up the fact that their kingdom was quite small compared to that of the other great states around them and in addition to such a position, they were living in a detrimental world which needed to be accounted for. The king walked across the room and told his son emotionally that all he ever wanted was to see him and the kingdom safe before he left one day, Kit obliged daringly, but it was only on one condition. Kit being his munificent self displayed that the invitation be sent to everyone and not just the nobility, since the wars had brought great sorrow on them all he figured that this was something the entire kingdom indefinitely needed, and above all his people, for surely just as he had been in the war he could only imagine what the people in his kingdom were experiencing and he felt that surely they have just as much right to have an enjoyable evening. The king then turned to the captain and asked what were his thoughts upon such a proposal and he responded while laughing saying that even though it was beyond his wit, he certainly wouldn't have minded a bit of a "jolly", Kit and his father laughed as well as this truly felt like a buoyant decision, this meant that they both had come to a mutual agreement-a ball for the people, and a princess for the prince. The so-called master of the paintbrush had said that if the king were to ask him he thought that it surely was a step in the right direction as well, and the king shouted at him saying that they did not ask him at all nor for his input. "Naughty paint, naughty brush," Said Master Phineus, he requested casually that Samson lower him down as he was seated on a short bench attached to a pulley system of a sort and Sir Phineus needed to paint in a more subordinate area, Samson released a bit too much wire so due to his overestimated action regarding just how much wire he would have had to release it led to Sir Phineus falling flat onto the ground, he laughed humorously and looked up at the prince and said that it was a very good angle for him as he could look at Kit's profile from another angle, and he could then see that he had great nostrils. "Could I have a longer brush?" He requested wittingly...

Meanwhile, Ella had now made her way to the town market on her horse and had encountered a familiar face while purchasing some seasonal fruits, it was Evelyn one of the past house staff members who helped prepare their meals every day. As they were speaking with one another they strolled through the market and passed a woman selling accessories such as silk scarves, and sashes, Evelyn had said that Ella had seemed to be looking slightly troubled, and just disheartened overall since her face just expressed much more than what her kind smile conveyed. She instantly knew the reasoning behind this and asked her why she continued to stay in that house when she was treated so poorly, Ella responded by saying that she continued to remain there because she made her mother and father a promise, to cherish the place in their honour, she added on saying that they were all just so happy and that they loved their house and now that they're gone she loves it for them, and it's her home. Her friend smiled and held her hand as she believed Ella was going to be just fine in due time. Not even a minute had passed and the Royal Messengers had arrived announcing that they had an important proclamation that the townspeople would have needed to adhere to straight away, one person, in particular, had stepped forward holding a large beige scroll in his hands, he quickly unravelled it and began his urgent announcement, "Hear ye! Hear ye!" the messenger shouted before being interrupted by a barking dog, "Quiet!" He yelled and continued..."Know, on this day two weeks hence, there shell be held, at the palace, a royal ball. At said ball, in accordance with ancient custom, the prince shall choose...a bride. Furthermore! At the behest of the prince, it is hereby declared that every maiden in the kingdom, be she noble or commoner...is invited to attend." The people could not hold in their excitement and soon started gasping and felt feelings of great delight throughout, but the messenger was not done with his announcement just yet, so without frittering time he continued, "Such is the command of our most noble king and prince for they are expecting every maiden to attend!" He then ended it off with. Ella smiled and instantly thought of her beloved kind friend Kit, she quickly said goodbye to Evelyn as she thought she needed to urgently rush back home to spread the major news to her family. And so Ella hurried to her horse stationed by the nearby shop, quickly got on, made her way to the stone bridge and followed the sandy path to her home. In just under twenty minutes she arrived back home and walked through the entrance doors, to meet her family who were resting in the living room space, her stepmother had been lying on the chaise sofa with Lucifer lying on her stomach as Lady Tremaine gradually stroked his fur while staring at the ceiling, her stepsisters had been sitting on the chesterfield sofa next to their mother fanning themselves with their pastel paper fans. She entered the area, stood opposite her stepmother and announced to the three of them regarding the news she had just heard from the messengers, as she shared the news with the three of them Ella was once again enormously excited to see Kit the apprentice and as for her stepmother and stepsisters they were mildly intrigued by the notion of meeting the prince along with stepping foot into the grand palace. As those words had left Ella's mouth her stepsisters gasped in shock, and her stepmother was greatly evidently astonished as she had tossed Lucifer off of her stomach, then she excitedly paraded around the room shouting in a strained voice that this was indeed the most hugest news to her. She neared her daughters and told them to quickly calm themselves so that she may speak to them both, as she approached them she kneeled behind the sofa they sat on to speak directly to their faces, "Now listen to me...one of you must win the heart of the prince. Do that and we can unwind the debt in which we were ensnared when we came to this backwater!" Said Lady Tremaine with tremendous excitement in her tone, "I...a princess?" Said Drizella in an exuberant voice, Anastasia repeated the same phrase as she too dreamed of one day becoming a person of royalty and she believed that this was her opportunity and hers alone. Lady Tremaine turned around and faced Ella telling her that now since she had delivered her news, why in the heavens was she still standing there? She told her to return back to town straight away and tell the seamstress to run them up three fine ball gowns! "Three? That's very thoughtful of you," Ella said to her, her stepmother was confused and asked what had she meant, "To think of me," Ella responded, Lady Tremaine was even more confused as to why Ella thought she would spare her any thoughts of that nature, as she was looking at herself in the mirror she turned to Ella immediately and looked at her confusingly. Drizella went on to further embarrass Ella, calling her "poor slow little Cinders" Lady Tremaine laughed and said that she was just too ambitious for her own good, Ella assured them all that she only wanted to attend the ball to see her friend, nothing more and nothing less. Lady Tremaine replied trying to be very explicit with her that it was one gown for Anastasia, one for Drizella and one for herself. "À la mode parisienne." Lady Tremaine added with a proud look on her face, "She doesn't know what that means," said Anastasia mischievously, "Mais bien sûr que je connais le mode parisienne, et je vais m'en occuper," Ella responded. The three of them were both quite shocked and confused as they did not expect Ella to have been able to answer so briefly. "Good! Right, that's settled then!" Lady Tremaine said in a lively voice, She clapped her hands briskly and urged Ella to leave the house briskly before every girl in the kingdom thought to chase after the prince, and before the seamstress found herself drowning in work. So she told Ella while chasing her out of the house.

"Tell me what she said Drizella." Anastasia said, "I speak French not Italian." Drizella answered while they both fanned themselves, the both of them walked together and went out into the garden to go for a quick short stroll around the house grounds for a bit of fresh air. After some time both Drizella and Anastasia thought it would be best if they both took a seat on one of the surrounding benches for the time being, soon they both began sharing some ideas for what might they wear for this splendid occasion. Anastasia said "Perhaps I should wear my rose-pink shawl and pair it with my peachy pompadour shoes as they are sure to grab the prince's attention, and how indeed they are in style I've noticed as of late. Thoughts Drizella?" Drizella responded almost instantly as this was beyond exciting, "Dear sister, oh I wonder why you have not taken interest in my colour scheme of yellows and blues instead you rather stick to your pinks and purples but you indeed suit it. Oh yes, my thoughts on your concept...well it's an idea no doubt but perhaps we should first decide on whether we shall model a crinoline or a crinolette as they make all the differences in ball gowns. Perhaps we should both wear crinolines under our gowns as they will create a largeness in our ensemble, which I always quite like." Anastasia said one last thing before they both walked back inside the house, "We have so much to do, but we must not spare any efforts to look nothing but breathtakingly conspicuous at the ball, the prince should see us as soon as we enter the room and not lay his eyes elsewhere..." They both laughed and made their way inside the house. Anastasia and Drizella continued to think about all the different pieces they might wear to the ball over the next five days as the dresses they ordered were to arrive sometime by then. Unfortunately, time was only getting less with each chime of their grand clock as this reminded them both that the ball was only a few more nights away. Shortly after Ella shared the news with her family and was instructed to get to the town seamstress straight away she had arrived at its borders, Ella wandered around as she was to find the shop. Before she knew it, she had seen it as it was directly opposite the stone fountain, she made her way inside and greeted the elderly Mademoiselle Verna Felton who was the local designer for the seamstress Lady Bellerose, Mademoiselle Felton had been at the counter upfront and was about to ask what Ella had been looking for but then the seamstress had seen her as she was walking around the store with fabrics from the storage room, "Good day Ella! it is so good to see you again. How might we help you today?" Lady Bellerose said happily, Ella said she was ever so delighted to see her friend as well but she also made the request that if possible she'd like to place an order for her family as they needed three ballgowns for the ball. "Yes we can certainly do that, you are our sixtieth customer today. As soon as the messenger concluded his announcement and left the town, the people rushed and lined up outside the store looking for gowns straightaway. As a result that is why the racks are fairly bear but luckily we had many dresses premade and we have plenty of fabric rolls to spare. I shall run you up splendid ball gowns that will be designed tonight and should be ready in a few days from now." Ella smiled and thanked them both before greeting them, after three minutes of placing the order she began making her way back home on her horse

Later that night while everyone was in their homes the seamstress and her designer were working endlessly, Lady Bellerose had countless fabric roles scattered around her workspaces such as silk, velvet, brocade and many more. She gently pushed the needle in and out of the fabrics on the mannequin as she had to be careful as to not make unnecessary holes in the dress and to not prick herself as well, she did certain parts of her dresses by hand but wherever she could she did use the manual sewing machine. And she'd step lightly on the pedal attachment to merge different pieces together to create splendid ballgowns...

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