Chapter III

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"Esther, throw this out of the window." The young girl said with a solemn face. Green light covered the room as Callista held the black laced pendant. Esther was, once again, contemplating on her master's order. She understood the young miss's disdain for the family but throwing away what seems like such an important item, she was skeptical.

The maid sighed, "Young Miss, I am not sure if- ". Callista pleaded calmly, "Trust me on this."

Her pale green eyes held so much truth that Esther just complied. She opened the gold-rimmed window and in a swift, threw the choker away. Silently praying to the gods above, she went back to the young girl who was now standing up.

"Dress me as you like Esther." She smiled. Esther threw her worries away and excitedly opened the chest filled with old dresses that was once Cassandra's. Still, it would be a new look if it were to be worn by my lady Callista! It can either be purple, which makes my Lady look elegant. Or blue, to my Lady being like the heavenly skies. A wide grin was plastered on Esther's face.

Meanwhile, the girl was thinking to herself about what might happen in the future. It is best to prepare and plan if I wish to survive, better yet, to succeed. Before that, let us review the lather situations I would be later put through.

It is evident that today is, surely, the royal matchmaking. This fact is backed up by my sister, the female lead, being dressed to her best. Indeed, every young royal in the age group of eleven to seventeen is prepared to be matched according to their ranks and is to be married once of the individual in the arrangement is coming of age. Why is this event very important? It is to reserve the finest young lady for the Crown Prince. It is only held for once a generation and some could enter it to find spouses for their children, exceptionally the heir.

Having the ability to memorize the contents of a book after reading it once will help me through this journey, but of course, my character being merely a supporting character can be a give me slight problems. It can also be an obstacle for me if I were to go through my plan for later, but I am highly confident of myself. If I were to successfully execute my scheme, the major problem would be lifted. I must first go through my scheming sister to be safe from father's wrath.

Esther patted the girl's skirt and giggled, "You are such a beautiful lady, Young Miss". Callista woke up from her daze and walked to the mirror. She was dressed in a beautiful pink dress, which was pastel and quite suited her auburn hair. She then glanced on her hair, which she didn't realize was already styled. It flowed down to her waist and was neatly twirled behind with a ribbon, her curly locks was also embellished with pearls and flowers.

"You shall be wedded in no time, My Lady." Esther smiled and stroked the girl's hair. The girl didn't answer but looked calm, so the maid continued. "I pray to the heavens above for you to be betrothed to a fine young lord who will care for and respect the madame-" Callista glanced at the woman.

"I will live for something more Esther." Her eyes glimmered with such confidence and hope that it made the maid tear up. Thinking about what this child went through... "Indeed, you shall strive for the better Madame.", she smiled.

She just didn't realize that the young girl was not even contented for the best.


It was a silent carriage ride. Cassandra found herself staring at her sister's auburn locks for a long time, she noticed how it covered the girl's whole face. Until she saw her sister's stare peeking through her curls. The lady coughed awkwardly and tried to initiate a conversation.

"Such nice fall winds, right Sister?" She smiled cheerfully, hoping to catch Callista's attention. "Indeed." The young girl muttered.

"The Auburn trees remind me of your beautiful hair, by the way, you look very gorgeous today my dear Sister."

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