Chanlix: Crushes Part 1

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The second part of this oneshot contains smut.

Felix and Chan were best friends when they both lived in Australia but Chan had to move to korea with his family and they were torn apart hoping to reunite one day. That day being today.

Of course they kept in touch these past 2 years but being able to see each other in person would be a whole different feeling. Felix was moving to South Korea for college and was going to be Chan's roommate and they were both excited about it.


Felix arrived at the door of his soon to be dorm with his best friend. He was about to knock but got a little nervous as he had still had a crush on Chan after all these years. But that nervousness was quickly overrun with excitement as he was finally going to see his Channie once again.

So felix knocked on the door and Chan opened it immediately because he was waiting for the younger to arrive. He had a crush on felix as well. Neither of them knew of their feelings towards eachother though.

As soon as Felix walked in they jumped into eachother arms.

"I missed you so much Channie" felix said happily still hugging the older.

"I missed you so much too lix." He said letting the the small boy go to help him bring his stuff inside. Felix had just arrived and both of them were already blushing because they had finally reunited with their soulmate.

As both of them finally got Felix settled in they decided to go out for lunch. Chan decided to go to a cafe because Felix wanted something sweet.

They arrived at the cafe and both ordered and sat down.

"So Lixie, what have you been up to. Are you dating anyone." Chan asked eager for an answer.
"No but actually I wanted to tell you something." Lix said.
"Yeah what is it..." chan said nervously wondering what he would say.
"I'm actually gay." Felix said.
"Oh, really. Well I guess I should tell you that I'm gay too." Chan said glad that maybe they had a chance to be together.

Felix and Chan laughed a bit and talked about the odds of them both being gay(especially for eachother but they didn't say that out loud)

They left the cafe to go back to their dorm so that they could shower before going to this party that they Chan had told Felix about.

Chan hopped in the shower first and walked out wearing nothing but a towel that draped across his hips. When felix saw him like this he couldn't help but blush and stare at his toned abs and his beautiful face. He loved how he looked with wet hair.

Chan didn't notice him staring as he was looking through his closet for something to wear to the party.

"Like what you see." Chan said basically flirting with felix. Felix didn't respond immediately still staring at his abs wondering what he would look like with nothing on at all.
"Hmm, what. Oh uh sorry yeah. I didn't expect you to be that muscular." Felix said blushing as he just got caught staring him down.

Anyways he hopped into the shower hoping the hot water would help him get the thoughts of Chan being fully naked out of his mind. But it definitely didn't work. He had just arrived a few hours ago and was already thirsting over Chan wanting to feel him inside of him.

Felix finished his shower walking out the same way Chan did. And this time it was Chan who was staring.

"I guess you're the one staring now" felix said.

"Yeah well I can't help it when you look so hot." Chan said while Felix blushed at the fact to older thought he was hot. I mean felix was obviously smaller and had less visible muscles but that was what Chan was into.

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