45 | G O N E

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After the sacrifice has happened....

Irritated would be one way to describe how Jeremy was feeling right now, his sister was taken by her own father because the man was so deep in his pain and guilt for not being there to prevent the fire that night. He would rather be ignorant of the blatant truth that's right in front of him than to even think of the possibility of his daughter being alive and yet on top of all this shit happening, Damon gets bitten by Tyler. Which he knows will destroy Aria once she finds out that the older Salvatore brother is dying and has the same fate as Rose.

Shaking his head out of his dark thoughts, Jeremy arrives at the Salvatore manor when he notices the front door already open. Slowly the boy walks through the entrance of the house when he hears the unfortunate voice of Elena.

"Don't get me wrong Bonnie, I'm glad Elijah's plan worked with the elixir, and I'm grateful it didn't kill me but that doesn't change anything. We can't trust him or anyone for that matter."

Jeremy clenches his fists together at her words, he was furious that Elijah actually made a deal with Elena in the first place. But it did give him and Aria the distraction that they needed so nobody would question where they were or what they were doing. He just really hoped that it worked because if not, then Elena was used as bait for nothing.

"Did you not hear what they said, Elena, the Mikaelson's are Aria's biological family which means, they won't be leaving anytime soon," Bonnie states.

"So what if their her family, Elijah gave me the elixir, so he clearly wanted me to stay alive." Elena smugly states.

"I don't really think Elijah would have been concerned if you didn't make it either,  you've practically bullied Aria since the bridge accident. I wouldn't be surprised if this was part of a bigger plan." Bonnie sighs.

"Fine, then let's just get rid of Aria then. Easy, then the others will leave Mystic Falls to find her." Elana says in annoyance.

"But Jeremy?" Bonnie questions.

"Just use your magic to keep him trapped in here, then once the vervain out his system. Stefan can compel him to forget her and everything."

Jeremy's eyes widen as the conversation progressed; it would seem crazy for Elena to go this far but Jeremy wasn't surprised in the slightly more so that Bonnie had gotten herself involved again. He thought she was finally starting to see Elena for who she truly was but clearly not.

"You do know that Aria would never willingly leave Mystic Falls, especially Damon, Jeremy, and Caroline," Bonnie says almost hesitantly.

"Exactly. So let's make it seem like she hasn't go anyone left here." Elena states "She doesn't know that Damon was bitten yet, but imagine her face when she's told that he's dying and Jeremy's dead."

"That would definitely make her run, knowing she was too late she saved her the two guys she cares for the most." She adds.

"I'm not letting you kill Jeremy, no way. that's too much Elena. Killing your brother, well cousin. Are you serious?"

"Oh relax, I'm not actually going to kill him. he's been using your house, right? just set the place on fire. I'm the owner of this house now so you can stay with me."

"On fire?" Bonnie asks confused.

"That's they way her own mother died, makes it more realistic I guess."

Jeremy didn't want to listen anymore, he needed to warm Elijah first before getting to Aria before either of them did. Once he reached Bonnie's Gram's home, without knocking he rushes into the house ignoring the blonde hair woman who was standing next to another unfamiliar man. He turns to Elijah who was looking at him in confusion.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now