Behind locked doors

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I finally arrived at my dorm door and remembered könig was still behind me.

"Are you coming in or just looking?"

I'm sure he couldn't refuse it..after all I had this feeling between us I haven't acknowledged before.

"You're beautiful"

He said his eyes looking at me and than looking away...he was really cute it's almost odd for such a large man to be such a little sweety inside.

"So..spontaneous I love it"

I tugged him into my dorm closing the door behind us.
We were now just inches apart from eachother. I didn't realize how much I pulled him in but I could feel his knee go between my legs gently as though he was a regular at this.
But when I looked into his eyes he looked so nervous they were so puppy like,

it was as though he was shaking.

I reached up to put my hands on his cheeks gently stroking his cheek over his hood.
I wanted to kiss him in this steamy moment when he did something unexpected..

He lifted his hood to reveal only his lips and a little of his bright-bright red cheeks.

" are nervous huh?"

I said this aloud without thinking and he only became more flustered he was then about to lower his hood when I held it there for him.

I pressed my lips against his feeling his soft wet lips push against mine.
He put one hand on the very end of my back and the other hand softly resting on my neck.

I got tingles from this..i decided I would do some touching on my own behalf.

I pulled my hands off from my sides and over his shoulders. My boobs pressing against his armor.

"A-ah let me just take thus off"

He took his lips off mine for a moment trying to unzip his own bp armor.

"Let me"

I unzipped it quickly and threw it to a side putting my arms back over his shoulders and pressing my boobs on his black skin tight turtle neck.


He groaned a little feeling them, now thats cute...

"H-hop onto me..l-let me take us to the bed ja?"

His voice seemed to tremble..I couldn't tell if he was excited or just purely flustered...we were both adults of course neither of us were having our first time. Without a second thought I jumped onto him my legs crossing at his back and my arms still around his shoulders.

"König..I feel something poking me"

I smirk trying to tease him giggling as he walks to the bed

He seemed to quicken his step to my bed and gently laid me onto the bed putting his hand behind my head in case I hit it too hard.

"N-nothing was poking you..!"

He was adorable..he has no idea I'll ride him all night. (Kiddingg......not really)

"Here you lay down on the bed comfortably let me do something for you"

I had very nice plans indeed and to my joy he did as I said and laid down on the bed his eyes peering at me expectantly.

I took off his belt quietly before saying

"Is it okay if I...?"

He spoke quickly before I could finish.

"Ja bitte Y/N~~"

"...yes please huh? Well if your so."

I removed his belt and took off his military pants revealing his black boxers..with a large imprint.

I gently pressed my tongue at where I saw was his tip licking it in strokes.

"A-ah ahh b-bitte.."

He moaned quietly.

I did as he some what requested and pulled down his boxers.

He...was huge.
Not the kind that just appears big was he was genuinely..huge.
I let out an audible gasp and took this opportunity to look a little closer.

I kissed his tip and König gripped the bed sheets at the sensation.


I counted down suddenly.

"Couting..? What fo-"

I couldn't let him finish his words and downed his dick into my mouth only half the way fitting down my throat.

"AH AHhh ah ah mor- ah mmm~~"

He kept whimpering unable to control his own voice he tried to stay quiet. He was loving it..I knew he would.

Just then I felt his hand brush my hair as though he wanted me to go deeper down.

I wasn't sure if it was possible but I was willing to try.
I pushed his dick deeper into my throat and at that moment I heard his breathing quicken...he was about to burst and I loved it.

"Y/N bitte..bitte!"

He begged for me to start moving it up and down my throat, so I did him one better and wrapped my tongue around his package thrusting it deep into my throat.

Before I could think twice my mouth was filled with his cum.
He groaned at the release and took huge exhales

For such a big big man he was rather..submissive?

"My dear...-"

He spoke suddenly while I was in thought and switched positions on the bed  he now hovered over top of me. Both hands on the bed either side of my head. His eyes looking hungry and his breathing still fast.

...God did he get hotter?

"-It's now my turn y/n.."

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