❣️ heat.. & fight..❣️

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A little angust .... sorry dears......

Eyes are blurry with tears.... Jungkook searched for his phone all around his room it found from the side couch.he immediately called jimin and begged to take Johan with him . his heat broke out nowhere  and his mate is near.he doesn't have any words to  describe to his son about the father;  not in this condition..

Tae was heading to jungkook room he doesn't have more time to spoil
He wants the answers anyhow.
Now or never ,if he doesn't got the answers he decided to leave his mate ,he decided break the misery of 5 fucking years  ....

He banged the door to open by jungkook ..

Tae: jungkook..I'm sorry,I didn't intend to miss behave with you..

Jungkook: (  sobbing)  alpha...go away...

Tae: not any more jungkook,just tell me the truth ,I want to know...just tell me..I was waiting for the his moment for 5 fucking years ...jungkook ...( Anger rising in his body)

Jungkook: what...truth..

Tae: the misery behind this mateing with you jungkook,how we become one without my knowledge and you hide my son from me how dare you to do that ...

Jungkook: I...I.. don't.. know....

Jungkook was crying heartout,he is also unaware of these answers his alpha asking,he didn't know when they mate ,5 years ago his heat came up for the first time ,after his heat he woke up in his room with a bite mark ,his house old  maid was the one who told this mark is mate mark and he is mated omega and not so far  mother of a alphas baby .After that his father apologized hundreds of times to him , saying all his fault but he didn't believe, it was fate his fate was that to be live life with  UNKNOWN MATE ,
since 5 years chaos happened in life all about was his unknown mate ,his alpha,his mate ,the one standing outside of closed door,the one who demanding answers of questions he doesn't know how to do..

Taehyung was peak of anger .a moment more he will burst like a volcano ,heiz is coming to break the rules for the first time he is seeing his omega in pain and heat..
The whole atmosphere comes to dark and hot..both mates are sweating profusely...hearts beating   increas uncontrollable,

for a single moment everything becomes silent only the wind is blowing with a mixing of dark coffee and chocolate ... Taehyung eyes flashing gold. his rut come out...
He understands the change of his secent before he could do to the omega he decided to end this fight.

Tae. :  enough..no more begging jungkook...I'm going.....I'm no longer trouble you ...

Jungkook was Crying silently... Head hung low sitting in the side of bed on floor...his body becomes numb after hearing his alphas word , before getting his mate he is loosing everything, didn't he struggled as much his alpha ,or more than that...did he deserve this pain...

Tae       :  you won't even stop me omega ... can't I have to get a chance to have a family,my pup , my omega ...

So ... you don't want me ,,I thought you were struggling like I do , but you are happy with out me ,, enough is enough.. jungkook you don't want a family with me it's Okey , but I'll take wants mine ...

Jungkook was in fire, Tae's words hitting like  arrows ,that bleeds his entire body and soul,but the last word was a wave of electricity to his body  what's mine .. that means ...that means alpha going to take his pup ....... only thing he can have with his rights in this Jeon mansion

Johan ..

Jungkook run with his life , caught Tae just before entering from Johan's room ,he pulled Tae back to the balcony..and begged with his eyes ,tears rolling down uncontrollably ,shaking head side to side ,words are sticking in trouaght ,he couldn't hold his self from falling down ,but before he reach the floor two arms cought by his waist and pulled to hard chest.

Jungkook:   don't go ...àlpha...
         Don't go ..... don't take my child ....I can't tolerate that pain
Please... I can't live without him..

Tae : then what I'm supposed to do .. jungkook .. staying here like a stranger, living in lies ,and eating the pain like I used to do..
what about me.. knowing a family I have ,and living without them , an omega doesn't want his alpha , being an unfaithful father ,then what I'm supposed to do...

Tell me... Tell me.,..damn..it ...

Tae tighten his strength around jungkook and pinned him to the wall near by ,pressing both bodys eachother, mixing their secent and rising temperatures, both can feel bitter yet sweet mixing of secent , with both hands jungkook cupped older face , wiping tears that rolling down

Jungkook: who told you ..hh..who told you I don't want you,I waited with my all loyalty and patience for you alpha , whole these years I  cherished our family without knowing you..

Tae:  ...jungkook..

Jungkook: I need you alpha...I need you ... don't go anywhere...
I can't afford of losing you
Our child needs you ,we are incomplete without you..
Give me some time,we will figure out everything..

Jungkook is rambling everything with teary eyes and out of breath,hands clenched to tae's shirt face becomes red and puffy
Chest heaving up and down ,soon he will fall down in the floor ,tae took him into a hug , alpha anger went out of the window just looking the omega's condition,he didn't wanted to jungkook like this ,his mate is begging Infront of him , it's hurts more than everything,he silenced kook with his fingers and hugged  with hands encircling through the waist..

Tae. :  hey.. don't cry..like this ...... it's Okey...I'll wait....

Jungkook:  mmm...

Tae. : Jungkookie take breath ...
Take breath with me.  1...2...3....

I will wait for your explanation
Kook.  But... don't make it long..

They both stood in silence hugging eachother,  tears died down .Tae suddenly nasseled into jungkook neck..jungkook breath hitched..he holds a moan in his lips ..

Jungkook: ..alpha....

Tae : hey don't worry,,,we are not doing anything,I know you are in heat....and we have more time for that ,now let's take some pills,,, your mark is burning I was sealing it with my licks ...

Tae again repeated the action,which leads his omega in clouds ,his burning mark come to an ace .he let out a small breath with sign ,and hugged his alpha once again Tae nuzzles into more      
But soon with tud sound he fainted in to floor holding back of the head with a pain full expression
Jungkook shocked with the event his hold become loose and stilled in floor ,his alpha lying in floor unconscious and someone standing his front with a flower vase ......







Hey ...

I'm sorry for not updating
I was busy , but I still have work to do

I will update more ...
Thanks for waiting

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