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The room was silent as Harper laid on the bed, her eyes closed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't quiet the thoughts that fought for her attention. It was an assault that she couldn't defend herself against. A headache started to brew from all those thoughts, though she was sure that getting punched didn't help either.

Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. Harper focused on quieting her mind but one intrusive thought floated to the forefront. It was one that she tried to avoid, to lock in the back of her mind and forget but it proved to be impossible. A clear image of the man she bumped into earlier that day caused her to open her eyes.

While lower in the sky, the sun shined as bright as ever. Its warm beams entered her room at an angle that shined directly into her face. Shielding her eyes, she glanced out the window at the cloudless sky. Sighing, Harper turned her head in the other direction but restlessness got the best of her after a few more minutes.

Harper sat up on the bed, happy to no longer be blinded by the sunlight. She ran a hand through her hair and brushed the tangles as best as possible. The idea that she knew who that man was caused panic to stir inside her. He'd been so familiar. If it was who she thought, it would turn everything she believed in upside down.

But I need to know, Harper thought, though the truth terrified her.

With a shaky breath, she pushed herself off the bed and walked towards the door. The house was quiet save for the music from the room across hers. Olivia and Lucas were out for the afternoon, leaving her alone with Cole.

They seemed to be getting along okay but their friendship from a month ago was like a ghost. A reminder of what had been. She hoped they'd rekindle their friendship but knew it wouldn't happen over night.

She took a couple of steps toward his room and knocked.

"It's open!" Cole yelled, though how he heard anything over the music was a mystery.

Harper stepped into Cole's room. The music seemed even louder, and he sat on the bed with a Nintendo Switch in his hand.

"What's up?" Cole asked without looking at her though he lowered the volume so they wouldn't have to yell.

Harper paused. "Can I use your laptop for a sec?"

"Uh, why?" He asked.

"I just need to check something," she said.

"Can't you just check on your phone?"

Harper shook her head. "I still don't have internet access."

Cole sighed heavily as he lowered his Switch. His eyes widened when he looked her way and sat up. "Woah! What happened to your face?"

Harper sighed, briefly forgetting about the bruise that covered her left cheek. "Some idiots were bullying my friend. I wouldn't let them hurt him, so I got hit," she said with a shrug.

"So you got in a fight," Cole stated with a grin that continued to grow. "You know, mom and dad are going to freak when they see!"

"They already know." Mrs. LaRusso informed her foster parents of what happened. While they weren't angry with her for standing up for Demetri, they were upset at her being involved in a fight.

"How mad were they?" Cole asked, his eyes shining with interest.

"I think they were more disappointed than mad," she answered.

"That's worse," he said with a shake of his head. "You know that's worse, right?"

"Yeah, I'm aware. Look, can I use your laptop or not? It's just for a few minutes, I promise," she said before he could ask any more questions.

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