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"You and Robby are gonna have so much fun," Harper said, watching as Sam went through her closet for the fifth time that day. After Sam told her about her first kiss with Robby and how their first date would be at an '80s-themed roller rink, she couldn't stop smiling. Their feelings for each other had been blatantly obvious all summer long. To hear that they're officially together was a happy surprise.

"Yeah, if I can ever find the perfect outfit. What about this?"

"Let me see the picture again." Harper squinted at the image and then at the outfit Sam held up. Tilting her head, she scrunched up her nose and shook her head. "Yeah, I don't think so. It's really close though."

Sam sighed in defeat and hung the clothes back in the closet. "This is impossible," she muttered but continued with her search, determined to get her outfit just right. "How is it this hard to find a dress that can pass for the 80's?"

"You'll find it," Harper said, though that belief was starting to wane. "Or you could always go to a store where they, you know, sell clothes. Hey! I heard of these stores that sell costumes, too."

Sam glared over her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm aware. Thanks," she said with a sigh. "At this rate, I'll wear a potato sack."

"Wasn't burlap popular in the 80's?"

"You're really not helpful, you know that?"

Harper covered her laugh with a cough before turning her attention to her phone. A few new messages lit up her screen, which in turn brought a smile to her face. She typed out a quick reply to Hawk while making sure that Sam couldn't see her screen. It was exhausting keeping secrets but every time she talked herself into telling the truth, she chickened out.

"Who's got you smiling?" Sam asked.

"No one," she answered too quickly and turned her phone off despite the new text that popped up on her screen. She tried to think of a believable answer that didn't make it sound like she was hiding something. "It's just Cole. He sent me some dumb joke."

"I'm glad you guys are finally getting along," Sam commented, none the wiser to her lie.

Harper was happy about that, too. Their relationship had plummeted once people found out about her staying with the Hudson's and, for a while, she didn't think they'd ever get along. Or that he'd never stop resenting her for living with them. They managed to work through their problems though it had taken a little while.

"Me, too. It's kinda important that we're getting along. I mean, especially since I'll be staying," Harper said, a smile tugging at her lips. "They're adopting me."

"Wait, what?" Sam turned to her with a wide smile. "Harper, that's amazing!"

Harper returned the smile. It was the first she had spoken of the adoption even though it had only been a day since Olivia and Lucas talked with her. As excited as she was to tell her friends, she couldn't wait to tell Hawk. With their busy schedules, they wouldn't have the time to hang out for at least another couple of days and this was something she wanted to say in person.

"I'm so happy for you! I really hoped they'd let you stay," Sam continued.

"Thanks! I'm happy, too," she said. While that was true, there was a part of her that was absolutely terrified of something so permanent. Everything in her life had been fleeting up until this moment so to have gotten something she wanted filled her with a weird sense of dread. Almost as if it was too good to be true. Or that she didn't deserve this. Whatever the reason was, it was like a veil of anxiety draped itself over her.

"Wait until Robby and Demetri find out! Wait, they don't know yet, right?" When Harper shook her head, Sam continued, "I'll let you tell them but... seriously. This is amazing."

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