Chapter 1

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Kalisto's (POV)
I'm so glad to get of work, y'all understand how much I just want to knock the guys in the precinct out.

They consistently pick on my roommate, & he's more then that. He's bestfriend, I was scared him cause he has this look. Like he's about to murder you but he's mute in public little do the jarheads know.

He signs to them everyday, really being sarcastic to them & clowning them. I laugh at them when they turn to me asking what did he say?

He said, "instead of asking stupid questions. Why don't you get your work done & stop harassing me!" Then our police cap comes.

"Joshua why the fuck are you bothering Rai for when you know he doesn't speak!" "But sir-" "No buts get away from him. I would suggest if you all don't want to get fired you'd leave Rai alone. At least he & Kalisto gets their job done. How about you Joshua, Tim, Leo, Godfree, Green, or Davis? I haven't seen a report from you gentlemen in 3 months." Our cap looks over all of us. "Roseheart & Bloodrayne in my office now."

I logged out my computer when Rai closed his file he was reading. While he hurried to put his hair in a ponytail. I did the same.

"You wanted to see us Cap?" "Sit," he said. He looked up from the paper he was reading. His eyes softened. "Rai why don't you ever speak at work?" He said with concern in his voice. Rai starts to sign to him explaining, he's severely uncomfortable with the guys here.

"I know but you have a beautiful & soothing voice. I'm surprised don't speak a lot." Rai looks at me pleading.

"Cap?" He looks at me with a eye brow raised. "Rai only feels comfortable at home and when you & your husband visit. Outside of that, work to him is not social place to speak. Even when he gets picked on."

He looks back at Rai. "Is that true?" He nods, & signs. "They hit on me, harass me while I shower in the locker room. They pull my hair, til I snapped a month ago. That's why Green & Joshua don't like me. I made them look like babies."

Our Cap sat back & stared at us. "You know I was going to hold off on transferring you 2 to special task ops. Seems like you too earned early after 5 years."

Rai & I looked at each other. "Kalisto can you do me the honors our hacking into the Texas base fortress. I'm sending you 2 to get this antidote for the toxic fungus that's been affecting people in yellow zone areas."

Rai signs,"Do you really want us to go? Our abilities are illegal to use I thought?"

"Do what you need to and bring that antidote back. Your covered under the Colorado supervision, however this is my precinct. The Mayor maybe my husband but we're at war with this fungus. Take what you need. I'll send you 2 out in 4 days time," he said. We both nodded & left his office.

I went back to my desk and started working on the hacking the Texas grid. I pulled all the information needed and emailed our Cap the details.

I turned to ask Rai what he wanted to make for dinner but he wasn't at his desk yet. I thought myself.

Rai's (POV)
I've haven't been on an assignment in 3 years let alone a huge one like this. I was thinking until I heard a familiar voice.

"Did you actually speak to the Cap and throw me under the bus? Your whack as hell bro!" I snapped my head to Joshua. I signed to him, "I didn't speak at all stupid! I don't speak at work for a reason, leave me alone!"

Of course thinks he's so smart. "Why of course Cap Josh is the one to blame for everything fire him immediately." I just walked away then he grabs me and pulls me to the side of the building opposite of the parking where no one can see us.

"Where do you think you're going. I wasn't done talking." He yelled in my face. "I bet you wish you had your friend now to speak for you." I just gave a deep sign and turned my head.

Then he grabs my face to look back at him. "Did you tell our Cap I'm gay?" I look at him lost. So I scrunched my face in confusion.

"Don't look at me like that, I know you know I'm gay & in the closet," he said. I just give him this blank look cause I don't care if he's gay. I really didn't want to know either.

He grabs my neck, answer me now. "You know instead of harassing my friend cause you assume he thinks you know your gay. You should probably back tf up!" He let go of me fast to see Kalisto, Godfree, Green, Leo, & Cap staring at us.

"So you directly disobeyed my order when I said leave Rai alone. On top of you're choking him out cause you're a closet case of fears?"

"You got issues man," Green said. "2nd that," Leo said.

"Pack your things you're suspended with reduce pay for the rest of the month. During that time I'd suggest you write an apology letter to Rai & the Mayor of how you can bring peace, love, & light to the police force. You're dismissed.

Kalisto hurries to me. "Are you okay?" I sign," I'm fine, I'm just glad that's over. What you want for dinner?"

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