Chapter 8

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Kalisto's (POV)
Once the 2 gentlemen left, Rai form back into his regular clothes. "We have to figure out why they gave us this assignment late," I said.

Rai signed, explaining something doesn't add up, but we'll get to the bottom of it. He looked back at guys.

I'll be back later, he signs, I have to run a personal errand. I looked at him & mouthed. "The hospital with your cousin?" I said.

He nodded then walked off in the direction he needed. Vok & Taogjin watched him walk away then Tao looked at me with concern. Vok walked over "where is he going?"

"He has a personal matter to attend to. Why are you defensive?" I said. His face lighten to my question as if he has a thing for Rai. Which I know he does cause I have visible cameras everywhere.

"I suggest if you want to date my friend. Be settle and respectful about it. He's mute not deaf. We've all been through somethings. He just takes longer to open up." I said.

He stares at me then looked in the direction Rai once walked through. "Okay I'll work on not being so wild & stupid around him."

"Come on lil lady let's get you back to the hotel before some more dumb things happen." Taogjin said in his Texan accent.

I swear these 2 are going to be the death of us.

We walked back to the hotel as it starts to get dark. I learned quite a lot from the boys. Let me tell you our pasts are not to different amongst us 3 but we all never been through torture. Rai is strong for many reasons.

That's why we've been friends for so long even after he enlisted from college. I had my family & he had his mum, sister, myself, & his cousin who's in the hospital currently.

Violent abuse in a relationship is not it. Rai & I even talked to his cousin a few times. She didn't listen and now look. Almost lost her life to her girlfriend.

Makes me irritated by that but what can you do?

Rai's (POV)
Once I got to the hospital, it was on lock down due to the affected running around the area. I'm glad I came on I'm walking up the steps as an affected was running towards me.

He was saying something then jump to lunge at me. I used the energy around us to blew him upward towards the sky.

I continued to walk through the double doors as security let me in. I used energy to form a healing barrier that stops affected from crossing the threshold.

I used the essence of the moons energy to calm the minds & bodies of those who are under stress here. I guess including the security guard since she was the closest to the doors.

I signed to the nurse asking for Akadayi's room. She looked down at her chart, and signed room 5573. I nodded & went to her room.

Once I get to her room I knocked. She said," come in." Once I walked in I signed to her and she started to cry.

I hugged her close, & we stayed like that for a while. As long as she not with that girl I'm happy.

She asked me if I can heal her. I thought to myself cause she's the only sorcerer in the family. I signed asking does her energy spells not heal anymore?

She gave me a sad smile. I looked at her puzzled. Rai your the only walker of energy that can take or give life. I signed to her telling her I gather energy from one place to another.

She looked at me serious, "the only person here who can heal me naturally. Coro is around the world. You 2 are the walkers of life."

What are you getting at I signed to her. She takes a deep breath. "You're the only other person who has ties with the mystical forces in the family."

I looked at her dumbfounded. I signed to her I don't know no form of magic. She laughs.

That's cause it's tied with your abilities to use all forms of energy. I looked at her shocked. I signed to her, not even Leona came to see you?

"Yes she could've healed me, but she's not a primal force like you & Coro." She said. I signed to her asking she couldn't draw healing from the healing barrier?

She looked shocked, "since when could you do that?" I signed to her since Kalisto and I been living together. Though it's a protective barrier with some healing energy elements to it.

She went silent. I signed to her how long has she been in here. She signed back 4 days.

I'm glad her parents taught her sign language long before me. However, I rather communicate that way then speak.

However, I started to gather energy from the moon & sun. I can get heal & hopefully strength her organs cause whatever she was doing probably didn't work.

She looked out the window, & sigh. "I can't see the barrier through my mystical len."

I looked at her while exercising my abilities. Then she groans to the energy I'm giving her as working.

She looked at me & signed. I can't see the mystical elements to you Rai. Once I was done. I signed to her, I wasn't raised in the mystic arts.

I learned that our bloodline has ties to it. However, you actually practice. Leona would be a great help to you not me. She can teach you something that's not what we have here maybe. She's the Sapphire witch. Whatever that means. I told my cousin.

Her eyes went wide. The Sapphire Witch is in our presence? She has to leave cause she can change everything at will if she so pleased. She signed.

The sorcerer of our family is nerve? Why would she be a threat to us? I look my cousin intensely.

"She has untold abilities that can maybe out match mines." I looked at her. "It's true Rai," she said pleading.

I signed to her fine. I gathered the healing energy of the barrier. As well as my will force, combining them to heal & protect her inside out.

She starts to glow this white and lavender colour. I've never seen that before. Then a burst wave of energy could be felt.

I guess my concentration unlocked whatever was happening with my cousin. Once she floated back onto the bed. She looked at me.

"You're unlike any primal force I've ever seen. You're up there with Leona & myself. I am a Jadeite witch. I'm the only one of the status. Rai, I don't know where you source your energies but the fact that you can hold the mystical forces is different from anything I've ever read."

I looked her. "You're going to do great things. Don't hold yourself back." She says.

I thought with trying to find this cure I hope I do something great. I'm not cousin Coro but our family does do great things.

I signed to her, I'll see you soon. She smiles as I leave back to the hotel. Kalisto won't believe this at all.

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