Chapter 6

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Vok's (POV)
I had to stop my racing thoughts. I don't know why I'm trying to impress Rai so bad. We just met & he probably thinks I'm a idiot. I told myself.

"Let me tell you, he didn't have to save you. I don't think you talking down yourself will help either. Let's just get to this hotel and decompress," Taogjin said.

I wish I knew what he was thinking but he's just so mysterious it's really cute. His voice is calm & warm. It's like he brings life to where ever he goes.

Geez I haven't had a crush this bad since Channing Tatum was in magic Mike decades ago.

I know I was a kid then but back home they'll kill you if they found out your kids where gay. So I had to hide myself & not date anyone back home.

We pulled into the parking grabbing our things and to our assigned room. Good thing our room faces the parking lot.

Tao when into the bathroom to wash his room. I seen Rai and Kalisto pull in. They were grabbing their belongings and Rai kept searching around.

He signed something to Kalisto, then a explosion happened shaking the hotel. I hurried & grabbed my dezzies.

"Stay here, I got it Tao," I said.

We're on the 4th floor center. I walked down the hall slowly hearing and listening. I hear a few clicking sounds & a low groan.

The infected breached the hotel. I hope no one comes out since it's quiet. "So you thought going by yourself will make it better?" I jumped at Kalisto's voice behind me.

Rai just watched and looked at me curious. I blushed and turned my face so he wouldn't see.

"Let Rai handle the 10 infected around the corner," Kalisto said. My heart dropped. "Why would he put his self in harms way?"

She smiled and nodded her head to look at Rai. I turned to look back. He did a arm motion then said calmingly. "May you bond that's grown be bonded with the earth. Now you are one, you can relax your soul."

Rai's hands glowed as the clicking and screeching stopped.

I peeked my head around the corner to see all the infected smile but combined with a vine like tree.

Rai was signing to Kalisto. She smiled then hugged him. "Did I miss something," I said? He pulled back then turned to me. He nodded no, and pointed to them mouthing they're happy at ease.

I looked back at what was once infected people and walked closer. Their deformity from the fungi cured away as they had a calming facial feature of peace.

I've never seen that before since all this has happened. I touched the now resting person tree. I felt the happiness, warmth, & joy. I cried a little bit.

It took me a second to collect myself, but I turned to Rai & Kalisto crying. "How did you do this," I said with a lot of emotion.

Kalisto said, "he gives his nature & essence to life. He's a different tier among the greats like Coro & Krystal. Even Leona & Constance. He brings untold energy that hasn't been explored."

"Really? Seems like we'll be a very unique team," Tao said. While he looked down the hall at us amazed.

"When I didn't hear gun fire, I thought to come down & see," Tao had said also.

I see Rai signed something super fast and I walked quickly away from the happy tree people now.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright," I asked?

"There's a bad energy shift, & he felt it. Now he's going to change the atmosphere around the few blocks," Kalisto said.

"Why does he need to change the atmosphere around us?" Tao said.

"With the natural world being unbalanced, & the fungi infecting people. I keep the positive flow of energy going," Rai said calmly.

I see Kalisto shake her head in agreement.
I looked back at the tree people now. How did he get them to be so calm yet die in peace like that.

"Well be heading back to our rooms," Kalisto said. As they walked off, I see Tao staring at them both.

"They're a unique duo," he said. Turning to look at me. "How so," I said? "You mean to tell me you didn't her say. He holds the essence of energy at his will?" He said shocked.

"Essence of energy? What do you mean?" I said a little confused. He laughs a bit and I frown.

"Dude your crush has the psionic ability to manipulate the natural essence of all energy. His abilities are endless. As for her I can't wait to see what all she does," he said amazed.

I narrow my eyes. "How do you give me grief about the guy I like yet you don't have a clue of what she does yet?" I said frustrated.

He stopped and stared at me, then I walk back to our room. We have to plan for these next few weeks to months.

Getting that cure is not going to be easy. Especially trying to get from the doctor in Texas. That's just as wild as seeing Coro & Rai ever team up.

Once I got back to the room, I hurried to make blueprints of each building we're supposed to inspect. Something tells me if that doctor does come up here to the office's. It's not going to go well.

I soon felt the floor underneath me shake. I saw a few pens roll, then after that. A loud boom.  That seem to come from a far.

I ran to the window & see black smoke from the train yard. That's at least 7 miles from here. What the hell just happened?

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