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Narrator POV

Peyton tends to skip out on lunch playing soccer out on the fields instead of wasting her time getting glared at by her enemy Valentina in the loud lunch room until she got injured.

Valentina POV

Once again she left the lunch room to go play soccer in the fields skipping out on her meal within lunch.

I watched from a window as she ran to the field with a soccer ball in hand I turned back to my meal and began eating as my friends slowly left to also go outside.

I pulled out my phone and began to play some games on my phone until about 10 minutes later my best friend came running in the lunch room getting my attention.

"Yo you gotta come outside, to the field." He said confusing me which he didn't realized until I asked my question.

"Why would I go outside?" I asked as he realized I didn't know what was happening.

"Peyton got hurt badly and now she can't get up and no one wants to touch her." He explained making me get up immediately.

"Lead the way." I said as he nodded leading me to where Peyton was.

As we got onto the field I could hear her yelling at people to get away from her as I got closer I saw tears rolling down her face.

"What happened here?" I asked making everyone look at me and then down at the ground.

"I WON'T REPEAT MYSELF!" I yelled my anger rising as someone finally spoke up.

"Someone kicked the ball at her and it ended up hitting her in the knee when we tried to check up on her she yelled at us." He explained as I looked at Peyton who looked pissed.

"NO YOU PURPOSELY KICKED IT AT ME!" She yelled as she tried to get up falling back down almost instantly in pain.

"I can't get up." She whispered tears rolling down her face from pain.

"Everyone back up." I said calmly as everyone looked like a deer in the headlights making me annoyed.

"I said BACK. UP." I repeated making everyone finally back up as I made my way to Peyton crouching down in front of her.

"Peyton can you try and stand?" I asked as she shock her head 'no.'

"I can't even move my leg without it hurting badly." She explained as I nodded.

"I don't want them to see me like this, I don't want anyone to see me." She said tears still going down her face.

"Everyone go do something away from here." I said as everyone started mumbling but did as I said in the end everyone dispersing into different directions.

"I'm going to pick you up now ok?" I said as she nodded in reply making me lightly wrap my arms around her waist and legs lifting her off the ground slowly.

As I walked her inside she leaned her head on my chest and began to cry again because of the pain she was in.

"Shhh.. it's ok Peyton it all be ok just breath slowly and try to focus on something other than the pain ok?" I said as she nodded and started to calm down her breathing.

"Are we almost there?" She asked.

"Yeah we're almost there just a little more." I replied opening the nurses door and setting Peyton down on the bed letting the nurse do her thing.

I was going to leave until she grabbed my arm making me stop.


"Can you stay?" She asked quietly as I nodded.

"Yeah of course." I replied sitting beside her on the bed rubbing her leg lightly as the nurse did her thing.

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