Chapter 1. On Troubled Waters

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The first time Maeve heard the squawk of seagulls she felt inexplicable excitement and a sense of freedom. Now, having spent the second day on deck, the cries of the birds had remained unchallenging throughout the voyage and thus their noise met with Maeve's indifference.

'One would think we are nearby the islets,' wondered Maeve, staring at the flock of birds floating across the pink-orange twilight sky. 'Where do they nest? We have not come upon land.'

'Sea-cliffs, shores, inaccessible locations,' shrugged Reynard. The man leaned onto the banister, unbothered by the slight shifting of the deck back and forth as their ship graciously drifted along the gentle waves of the ocean. 'Don't rely on these bastards. We are close, but seeing the birds doesn't necessarily mean there's land.'

'We have been travelling for two days now. Surely there must be land close by. How could they eat otherwise?'

'Fish. Also, don't let them too near to your lunch.' Reynard straightened. 'Is this your first time on water?'

'I believe you fail to see that Amrith is an island.' Maeve felt warmth creeping up her face. 'I just... did not really pay attention to the details on the voyage here. It was more than a year ago.'

'How silly am I,' smiled the weathered man. 'Come, we shan't be late from the meeting.'

Reynard trod in the direction of the main cabin, Maeve followed. Only a few people were up on the deck, the first mate, the helmsman, some mariners. The girl watched as Reynard rested one hand on the banister while walking. He appeared to be very different on this voyage than what Maeve had seen from him inland. Did it have to do with Bethlorn?

She decided to take a risk.

'You seem less... stern now that the Crownprince is not around,' Maeve whispered to the hunter captain's back. He snorted.

'Everyone does.' He glanced about, then continued in a low voice. 'The boy is unfit to rule, and there is no treason in seeing what is right under your nose. As long as Bryne is around, I'm content. I do fear the day Bethlorn is anointed as king unless someone beat some reason and discipline into him.'

'Had you known Bryne before you came to Amrith?' asked Maeve.

'I had, in fact. He had a tiny spot of land in Andoriel, a hill and perhaps its valleys. We first met when an expedition was sent out to the North. Later he became marquis but never let the court's venomous intrigues touch him much. He asked me to accompany him here, and well, I have.'

'And he became king.'

'He was chosen. It was unprecedented. That people would choose their own leader. All the ramblings about how the Gods have touched the bloodlines of royal families were noisy then. It still is. But Amrith has nothing to do with the other kingdoms.'

Reynard stopped before the doors of the large cabin.

'We have our own ordeals. Not to push this land into a civil war, for one.' He opened the door and entered. Maeve lingered a moment longer. Dusk was about to give its place to the night; the pinkish colours of the firmament were about to yield as shades of grey crept across the sky. A sudden feeling of anxiety washed over Maeve as she contemplated Reynard's words.

'I'm afraid it's too late,' she whispered to the horizon, then turned to step into the room.

The spacious cabin was that of the captain at peace time and served as command room for the captains during war. The wall opposite the doors was made entirely of glass, forming an enormous window through which Maeve could see the wake of the ship and further away, two of their vessels of the fleet of six, the rest being ahead of them or around.

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