first date//deepest darkest secret

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(a/n: look at me posting consistently!!)


the same day you walked the road which led to the arcade. the sky was bleak yet you felt joyful, the breeze was soft and light sunbeams lit up the town. you smiled to yourself while being met with the memories graham had left you with. his drawing advice changed your perspective. he was a sad little man but there was an optimistic, loveable way about him too. there was an unexplored side to him that you were slowly getting familiar with.

you pushed open the door and entered the vibrant arcade. it matched your mood, the colors and the brightness. you greeted your old, precious mate ray. that day, even annoying and snarky ray seemed like an angel to you. it was a good day and it was only going to get better.

"graham came by and left something for you on the desk- that just proves how late you are y/n for god's sake-" ray commented while dusting the claw machine.

an even bigger smile got plastered on your face as you ran to your desk, leaving all the chores and duties behind. you spotted your red umbrella alongside a letter. you undid it in the matter of seconds because your were curious and impatient. you were stoked and pleasantly surprised after reading this letter from graham. it said,

"coyness is nice, and coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you'd like to,

coyness is nice, and coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you'd like to.

these lyrics keep circling my mind. i remember it vividly, ask by the smiths was playing when i walked into the arcade and saw you for the first time. y/n, i think you're the prettiest woman i've ever layed eyes on & i love your company. you're amazing, cool, funny, sometimes too blunt for your own sake and my favourite person. i find comfort and peace in you.

now, coming to the confession i want to make to you. i like you more than you realise, really. i couldn't get myself to say this to you earlier this morning. i reckon, i was scared and overwhelmed but you need to know that the first time i saw you i knew i wanted to be with you. 

so here's my long awaited question,

y/n, will come to dinner with me tonight? ascendant restaurant. 9 pm. 

please come around or else my ace outfit will go to waste haha. no pressure."


you read this letter over and over again, you couldn't get enough. you could hear his voice in the words, his pretty words and his little joke at the end, the way he wrote out haha in words. just everything. it melted you. this was the first love letter of your life and it was by graham. you were going to cherish it forever.


graham readjusted his glasses at the bridge of his nose while tapping his feet against the ground. the noise of people talking, drinks clinking and waiters walking around were a faded background noise to him. he was sat at a table of two, waiting for you. he was beyond nervous but beyond excited too and then he saw you,

dazzled in allure while wearing a beautiful smile on your face. you waved at him as you two locked eyes. he waited for you to reach him and when you did, he stood up and pulled the chair for you.

"thank you, gra." you said and sat down. he noticed you calling him by a nickname, it was a bliss to his ears yet again.

"this place is quite impressive, it's looks great! like a 5 star place- you have good taste." you said while inspecting the restaurant. 

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