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A moody atmosphere prevailed in a luxurious villa studded with beautiful gems. There was a group of individuals gathered in the largest bedroom in the villa, the room belonging to the leader, best friend, father figure, son, hero, savior and elder brother of each member of his family who was now lying lethargic on his large and comfortable bed.

"Human" A small black dragon that should no longer be small grasped the thin hand of the human who saved him from despair. Raon, the human's favorite black dragon, Cale Henituse was sobbing, his sobs so pitiful and painful to hear.

"P-p-please forgive me" The red head's brackish, guttural sobs managed to escape the dragon he considered his son, the head of the Empire's entire military force turned his head in all directions, about to convey the same to everyone present in his room.

"Don't talk Dongsaeng, don't" Alberu Crossman who had now become the ruler of an Empire sat on his knees next to his sworn brother who lay haggard, losing all the fat he had.

Silence, no one was able to open their mouths, their tongues were too bitter, it was so hard to accept the fact that the stubborn stone expression man they loved so much, the star that shined their lives was dying on his bed, his light began to fade, spreading out from his delicate pores.

Cale gazed fondly at his family one by one then he began to move his stiff damn mouth to call out to them both present and absent.

"Raon, Ohn, Hong, Ron, Beacrox, Choi han, Rosalyn, Lock, Alberu-Hyung, Eruhaben-nim, Marry, Saint-nim, Hannah-nim, Cage-nim, Father, Mother, Basen, Lily-ugh" Black blood escaped from his lips, Ohn panicked and immediately wiped his adopted father's lips with his own hand gently.

"Cale-nim!" Damn, the appearance of this black haired bastard had not changed at all even though time had passed for decades since they struggled for survival. Cale smiled softly before a sharp pain shot through his chest.

Cale's chest was tight, all sorts of emotions piled up in his heart. Unconsciously the rhythm of his breathing changed rapidly, his lungs struggling to take in as much of the remaining oxygen he could grab as possible.

"Hey Cale, it's okay, don't be afraid, we're all with you Cale" Everyone immediately approached him so that his usually spacious bed felt cramped now. Cale smiled peacefully in between his excruciating tightness, it was a shame he couldn't say goodbye to the maid and his parents who had passed away first, maybe Cale could greet them there.

Cale rolled his vision, the last thing Cale remembered was the tearful face and the room full of heartbreaking sobs from his family and Eruhaben's gentle smile that never failed to calm him down.

"Go-good bye, t-thank y-you" Cale managed to say his real feelings even though it was not fully conveyed, a sense of peace covered his heart and Cale left with a smile on his face, leaving his family devastated by his absence among them.


"Augh uuwaa uwaaa" The sound of a small whimper was muffled between the roar of the wind and the rushing waves of the ocean.

"Captain I see something down below!" A fat man with meat in his hands pointed at something floating around their ship.

"I can see it, Benn help me, I want to see what's inside that thing" A young man with bright red hair ordered his subordinates to protect him from anything that might appear when he jumped down.

The young man called captain took off his favorite straw hat and handed it to the fat man next to him.

"Take care of my hat" he said before jumping out of his ship.

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