Chapter 2

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Cale's vision was greeted by a pinch of bright red strands belonging to a man he assumed to be his new father in this world. Cale blinked and then yawned softly, the giggling of the man with a wide smile was clearly heard by him. A babble of words that Cale did not understand what they meant continued to be uttered by the man endlessly.

"Hey hey look! My son Cale is so cute! I love you Cale, how cute~" Yep, Cale had no idea what the man was saying.

One month had passed since Cale was reincarnated in this world. So far, as a baby who was unable to do anything, Cale had lived a comfortable, full and happy life. His father had never let him out of his arms except at certain times when the friendly man had to leave to do something unknown to him.

Cale admits that his Father's cuddling sesion make him feel safe and cozy, a feeling that makes him sleepy all the time. The sweet baby is also very fond of his new soft and spacious bed, Cale knows he always sleeps with his Father who will keep him warm and cozy throughout the night. 

One new thing Cale learned was that the place where he lived was always moving, he could feel the waves at times. Cale guessed that he was on a large ship with a large crew, Cale always heard laughter coming from all directions, smelled alcohol that he was very familiar with, the smell of roasting meat and the rhythm of what he thought was a song spread throughout the ship.

Am I the son of a bunch of fishermen? Then why did the God of Death say I would be born to strong parents? What exactly does this world look like? Why do we always return to the sea after stopping for a while? Is the land we live in really that far away? These were just a few of the many questions he had while living here.

But Cale had to be patient, he was a useless baby now, his life depended on this bunch of drunken hobby men until he grew up. At least his father seemed to love him a lot judging by his ferocious behavior when someone tried to carry Cale without his father's permission.

Cale rolled his vision which were slightly clearer than the previous three weeks, interested in the black cloth hanging above the main mast of the ship in front of them, he had always been curious about it but could not open his mouth to ask.

'Damn baby body' he cursed silently, Shanks would faint if he heard his son's inner voice all this time

"Captain! Hongo is calling you!" Cale turned his attention to his father, slightly surprised as the man stood up suddenly.

"Ouh" Shanks' gaze dropped to his son, damn his movements must have been too fast for his baby.

"Ouch, sorry son, does it hurt?" Shanks stroked his son's cheek even though Cale showed no reaction of pain or anything like that.

"Let's go to Hongo's room" Cale was led to the front of a room that he recognized as the first place he entered on this ship.

Ten minutes later Cale decided to go back to sleep. He had no idea what a bunch of grown men were going to do waiting nervously in front of a silent room. His father was the most nervous of all, for some reason Cale could feel his nervousness, he didn't like it.

'The solution to all the problems in a baby's life is sleep' he thought happily and fell asleep quickly.

Creak... Finally the door to the infirmary opened.

"Come in captain" Shanks and his son walked in. Shanks' other friends also wanted to enter, but Hongo blocked them all.

"Sorry guys but only the captain this time."


The door closed again, Yassop let out a grunt while Monster screeched above his head.


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