Chapter 10

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"Take a good look Cale-kun, this is the life your father has been living" Safe and cozy in his father's arms, Cale opened his eyes, brownish-red irises greeting the world. Immediately his eyes were feasted by the sight of his father's crew firing at the attacking sea monsters without breaking the bubbles lining the Red Force. How?

'..What the hell...' Shanks smiled broadly at the similar lightning in his son's eyes.

That's right, the lightning that showed determination, the lightning that showed gluttony, the lightning that showed aspiration and an obvious thirst. Cale had inherited his love for freedom and his determination to explore the ocean. Cale was his bloodline, so it was no surprise that the beautiful baby would grow up to be a young man with a great love for freedom.

Hours later the crew gathered on the main deck after Building Snake shouted that they would be arriving in a few minutes. As usual, Shanks was ahead of all his friends, of course Cale was safe and cozy in his arms. Shanks had no intention of letting go of his son after Hongo said their sweet baby was running a small fever as his weak body was shocked by the extreme temperature change.

Cale had just finished his bath, he was wearing a red t-shirt covered by a thick white jacket with a fluffy head, his father dressed him in comfortable sweatshirt pants and a pair of fashionable shoes that were very soft, Cale felt perfect and to be honest he was a little sleepy but the euphoria of the adventure kept him refreshed despite the fever.

How could he not? This island was the third island he visited after Maru and Sabaody. Cale felt very excited, his heart wondered if this was the feeling his father felt every time their ship landed? How long had his father been a pirate? Would he also be able to enjoy this refreshing feeling of freedom if he followed in his father's footsteps as a pirate?.

Of course, all of that would remain an unreachable wishful thinking if Cale's body condition was still this weak. He was sure he would die a horrible death within hours or even minutes of setting sail on his own.

However, Cale had already realized that the world was crazy, a fickle ocean that was willing to slap you with extreme weather as a joke, sea monsters as big as castles hiding behind the waves, fruits that gave you superpowers (this made Cale remember the earth), strange powers that came from inner beliefs, various unique races that were ready to destroy your body and an absolute world government. Cale is reborn in an unpredictable world.

Not to mention a broken society, ruthless pirates who are free to destroy every island for trivial reasons, slavery is taught and the world government turns a blind eye to the atrocities that occur everywhere. The laws of humanity seem meaningless on some islands while another island prosper by extorting the rights of others. Such an horrible world huh? Yes it is, that's why Cale doesn't want to die miserably without doing anything that make him happy.

The world was too bad to fix and Cale didn't intend to go through the hassle of being an oversleeping hero and fixing it, after all his comrades weren't here, Cale was reluctant to sacrifice anything anymore. In this life Cale just wanted to live according to his wishes, his mission and purpose was 'to live according to his heart' and it seemed that his father, Akagami no Shanks also lived by the same principle.

One of his biggest desires now is to be able to stand on his own two feet and start walking.

Cale couldn't wait to be able to walk, he couldn't wait to feel the softness of the sand on his feet, the cool breeze that brushed his hair and the small waves that tickled the soles of his small feet. Let's not forget the beautiful shells that shone in the sunlight and the fresh seafood that was enough to fulfill his daily protein intake.

Cale wanted to walk beside his father, enjoy the sunrise, run around on the beach, hunt for crabs, and spend the rest of the afternoon drinking the coconut water his father got by climbing the tree. Laughing together at silly things, eating grilled fish with salt for dinner, singing strange songs together and resting comfortably in his father's arms while watching the sparkling stars in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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