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Amukelani's POV

I leave the trolley by the entrance and walk out. I see Mzwa trying to pick up his pace and once he catches up to me he drapes his arm around my shoulder. "Slow down bozza yini manje?" he asks. I can tell his concerned but I'm not in the mood to deal with people being concerned about me let alone pity me. I pick up the pace and we finally get to the car.

He unlocks the door and i open it and get inside and slam it. Probably shouldn't have done that but who cares. He rushes to his side and gets in. He turns around to look at me and i give him a weird look. Isn't he supposed to be driving? "Talk to me." he says. I give him a blank stare and he sighs. "Did that woman you were talking to say something that bothered you?" Silence.

He releases another sigh and turns around. He buckles up his seatbelt and brings the engine to life. He slowly reverses the car out of the parking lot and off we go. We still need to fetch Sino and i can't allow her to see me in this state. I start taking deep breaths in and exhale slowly. As if this shit ever works out for me but it's worth the try.

We get to her school and i stare at the building for a minute and exit. I walk inside and the moment she sees me she runs up to hug me. I pick her up and throw her in the air. "I missed you princess." I say. "Mamá!" I chuckle. I greet the teacher and she hands me Sino's bag and we go.

I open up her door and buckle her in her car seat and rush to my side and get inside. "How are you Sino?" asks Mzwa. "Good." he chuckles lowly and drives off. "How was school?" I ask. "Fine." "Just fine." She sighs and i giggle. She likes giving me the same response and whenever I say just fine she always sighs. Such a dramatic baby.

"We learn a song." she says. "Do you know how to sing it?" I ask. "No." I chuckle. "Why not?" She shrugs her shoulders and i giggle. We get back home and i unbuckle her from her seat, i take her bag and my bag and we exit and go inside. "You going to the gym?" asks Mzwa. "Not today." He nods and walks away.

Since my dad hired Mzwa I had to move ma into the house so he can stay in the cottage. The guards rotate shifts so they go back to their houses when their shift is over. I get inside the house and Sino runs off to the kitchen. I pass by the kitchen and greet ma. "Unjani?" she asks. "Could be better." I answer. "What's wrong?" "Don't wanna talk about it."

I go upstairs and put the bags down. I change into my pjamas and i take out my phone from the bag and head back downstairs. I should be preparing for my therapy session that's at six o'clock but I'm not in the mood to be dealing with my other problems.

I dial the therapist's number. It rings for a few seconds and she answers it.

"Ms. Mngomezulu." she greets. "Evening. How are you?" I ask. "I'm good and you." "I'm okay. I just called so I can reschedule the session." "Are you not ready?" "Not its not that. I'm more than ready to reconcile with my sister it's just there is an emergency here and i don't think I'll be able to attend." "Oh okay no problem. I'll talk to Asanda then and we can set up a session for later on."

"That would be great. Thank you and please call me Amukelani. Ms. Mngomezulu is my unmarried aunt." I say and she chuckles. "No problem Amukelani. Thanks for the call." she says. "Thank you for understanding. Have a good evening." "You too." She drops the phone and i sigh.

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