Family moments?

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Amukelani's POV

"Mamá where we going?" asks Sino. "We going somewhere nice and sunny and there is a beach." I answer. "Like home?" "Yes like home." She nods. "Can I please have tablet." I take out the tablet and headphones from my small bag and i hand it to her. I see her go to YouTube and she watches the Barbie movie. "So what plan do you have for me?" asks Sthembiso.

"You know Sthembiso surprises are called surprises for a reason. You can't expect me to tell you what my surprise is and expect you to act surprised when you see it cause I'll be ruining the whole surprise so please be patient and wait until we get there and you shall see your surprise." I say.

"The amount of times you've used the word surprised I'm surprised you haven't spilled the surprise." he says and we chuckle. "Just wait until I show you. I hope you like it if you don't then it's fine I'll keep it for myself." I say. "Isn't it for men only?" "I made sure the surprise is gender neutral so I can enjoy it if you don't like it." He chuckles.

"But thanks for taking us to Costa Rica. You didn't have to go the extra mile we could have stuck to the basics which is Cape Town and all but you went all out." I say. "What's the point of having money if you don't spend it." he says and i chuckle. "Okay I love your mentality. We will be doing trips every year then." "Whatever you want."

"You treating me like this yet we aren't even married in community of property what will happen if we do get married in one. You buy me the whole world?" I ask and he chuckles. "The world sounds cheap maybe universe." he answers and we chuckle. "I see you. I'll be waiting." "Then start planning a wedding."

"What's the budget?" I ask. "The sky is the limit." he answers. "We need to send invitations to CEO's of big companies so we know we will be getting the best presents in the universe." "Whatever you want you shall get." "I didn't think Ariana Grande's lyrics would become my reality. I see it I want it I got it." We chuckle.

We finally arrive at Costa Rica after flying for 24 hours straight with a two hour break in between the flights. I'm so tired and all i want and need is a hot shower and some good sleep before our day actually starts. We get to Grano de oro Hotel at San Jose which is the capital city of Costa Rica.

I place Sino on the bed and Sthembiso leaves the suitcases near the closet and walks in the bathroom. I sit on the bed and switch on my phone. Notifications start flooding in and it's people wishing Sino a happy birthday. I can't believe that my baby is three years old.

The older she grows is the prettier, smarter and funnier she gets. Never in a million years did I think I would be a mother to this bundle of joy next to me but here I am. I never got the time to prepare myself neither did I plan for this whole thing to happen but we are here and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being a mother especially to this little princess.

I'm so grateful to God for giving me this beautiful baby. She helped me overcome some of my issues not like overcome more like bury the issues but isn't that similar to dealing with the issue at hand. To me it's one in the same thing. Without her I wouldn't be this person that I am right now. She changed me for the better.

She taught me what love is and what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. It's sad to watch her grow cause I realise that she will start needing me less and less. She's already becoming Miss Independent and i don't like that because I'm used to her needing and wanting everything from me but now she doesn't. I guess that's the beauty of it all,

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