Chapter 31

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"Bring her in" Anastasius ordered the guards, they looked uncomfortable and wary of being with the former emperor, none knew how he he was alive as for the longest they all believed he is dead, now their emperor claude is dead and Felix robaine is missing, everything seems way too real, but they bowed and accepted his order, they went to escorted the crown princess of the empire

Jeannette couldn't fully grasp the fact her biological father is alive and worked with roger alpheus to take back the throne and killed claude, she mixed feelings, on one hand she's happy that her father is alive and well and taken back what was his, while the other part she is furious that he was alive all this time and never once visited her or been in her life, and on the other hand she is sad that Claude is dead even though their relationship has stranded, they had many fond memories together, while the other part she is glad that vengeance has been brought from usurping the throne and letting Athanasia kill her aunt

" hello Jeanette, you look so much like your mother" Anastasius greeted his daughter, he only seen Jeanette from afar only to see how much her black magic is effecting his brother, and now that he has what he wanted, even though Claude is maybe still alive somewhere, most likely in the northern continent, Anastasius technically has no use for her anymore

" you are my father aren't you" Jeanette trembled as she looks at her father, she is afraid of him, she doesn't know him at all and being around him made her head hurt

" yes I am, you look pale, do you wish for some tea" Anastasius simply says acting as if nothing is wrong

" yes-no I do not!, where were you" Jeannette demanded she needed to know the truth, how come he wasn't in her life

" what do you mean"

" my life!, where have you been that you weren't present in my life" she said, Anastasius stayed quiet staring at her, he couldn't give her answer on one part he wanted to tell her the truth while the other part he wanted to lie and say what she wants to hear if she could continue being useful to him

since Anastasius is back being emperor Jeanette is his heir but she cannot continue the imperial lineage thanks to the black magic she's made of , they both cannot continue the lineage thanks to the black magic, the only ones who can is his bastard niece and her children, but that means Claude's blood will still be on the throne, and that isn't satisfying

" I have been busy" he answered Jeanette scoffed and a wave of anger went through her, busy?, busy!, too busy to be with his daughter

" busy!, too busy for your daughter, you abandoned me for my whole life now is take acting as if nothing ever happened" Jeanette bangs her hand on the table angry by his answer, Anastasius only sighed staring at her, she truly resembled her mother acting this way

" I could not be with you because I feared claude would know I'm alive and try to kill me once again, and kill you for having my blood"

" no he would not, uncle loves me!" Jeannette says

" if he truly loved you, how come he would let that wench kill your aunt, how come he never defended your honor when nobility speak ill of you" Anastasius says shutting her up, Jeanette stayed quiet not knowing what to answer

" I can see it in your eyes that you want revenge" Anastasius says realizing what used she now has, they both hate that northern dragon empress, Athanasia who both did them wrong, with her brutally killing Rosalia and her burning half of his face with her dragon


" the northern empress has hurten both of us, she killed your aunt and she burned my face-"

" athanasia did this" Jeanette gasped she wondered what happened to her father's face but didn't think it was athanasia's doing, did Athanasia know about her father's existence and never once told anyone

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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