Sibling Drama

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I wake up to someone shaking me. When I open my eyes, I see Enola smiling down at me.

"Oh," I mumble.

Her eyebrows scrunch up in distaste, "Why do you sound so disappointed to me?"

"You're not the Holmes I was expecting to see," I mutter while sitting up.

"Do you really like my brother more than me?"

I roll my eyes at her offended tone, "Of course not. I just like him in a different way."

She sits on the bed next to me, her eyes scanning the room around us. "It really is weird knowing that you sleep here with my brother."

"You share a bed with Tewkesbury! That's weird for me as well. He's like the little brother I never wanted."

"Aww, you think of me as a brother?"

I look up to Tewkesbury standing in the doorway, a smile on his face. My hand grabs a pillow, and I throw it right at him. He catches it with ease, "That's not very nice."

"Why are you two here?" I ask.

Enola shrugs, "We wanted to come ask you and Sherlock how the meeting went."

"I'm sure Sherlock would love to tell you," I say sarcastically.

I get out of bed and grab an outfit from my dresser. When I walk into the living room, I see Sherlock and John sitting at the dining table. I give them both a lazy smile and head into the bathroom to get ready.

I adjust my blouse, glaring at the strings in the front. Memories of the last time I wore a shirt like this send shivers down my spine. Maybe I should throw all of my lace-up blouses away.

I walk out of the bathroom and over to the dining table. John had gotten up when he noticed me, "I have to go now, I'll see you later."

He pats my shoulder as he walks by me. It's a new thing he's been doing. I've noticed he does it to Sherlock as well, so maybe that means he's accepted me as a close friend.

I walk over to Sherlock and frown at the bruises on his face. They're much darker now, and his bottom lip is swollen. I place a soft kiss on the side of his face that isn't littered with bruises. He looks up at me with a smile, and Enola gags.

I sit next to Sherlock, my eyes still staring at his bruised face. "I'm sure your sister and her boyfriend would love to know what happened to your gorgeous face, Sherlock."

"Gorgeous face? Really?" Enola says.

Sherlock clears his throat, "I got in a fight."

"What?!" Enola yells.

Even Tewkesbury looks at the man in shock. "Sherlock Holmes in a fight? I'd pay to see that."

I nod at Tewkesbury, "I know, right! It's so unfortunate that I wasn't there to witness it."

"Who did you fight? And why?" Enola asks.

Sherlock then begins to explain the story, conveniently leaving out certain parts, which I quickly added. Enola and Tewkesbury's eyes are wide throughout the whole story. Tewkesbury would occasionally smirk at me, which I didn't find as funny as he did.

"You really are in love," Enola mutters.

Sherlock stands up, "I have to go to the market. Would you like to come with me (Y/n)?"

"Oh! Tewkesbury and I will go with you two!" Enola yells.

Tewkesbury and I share a look. Both of us know the day will be filled with bickering from the two siblings. But, maybe it'll be fun.

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