Kitchen Counter

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"You're not planning on drowning me, are you?" I ask Sherlock.

He rolls his eyes as he helps me step over a log, "Why would I drown you?"

We continue walking through the woods, and soon enough, we're walking into an open field. The land is full of bright flowers and, in the distance, sits a large tree.

"The pond is just over there," he says, pointing to the tree.

He walks ahead of me, but I'm focused on the flowers around me. A blue butterfly flutters around me, and when I look back at Sherlock, I realize that he's staring at me.

"Sorry," I say, walking over to him.

He grabs my hand and kisses the top of it, "No need to apologize, darling."

Sherlock holds my hand as we walk over to the pond. Once we're there, I look around in amazement.

"I wasn't expecting a pond this beautiful."

The tree's limbs stretch out over the small pond, giving the area a good amount of shade. One of the limbs reaches the ground, resembling a bench. I walk over to the limb and sit on it, watching the water in awe.

"I spent most of my childhood out here," Sherlock says.

He sits next to me, "I'd sit here and read books until my mother came to get me."

"It's peaceful," I reply.

A duck swims across the pond, followed by three ducklings. I eagerly point to the duck family and whisper, "Aren't they adorable?"

"Yes," he says, smiling at me.

"You're not even looking at the ducks."

He grins as he looks ahead of us. The duck family waddle out of the water and stops in front of us.

"I ducking love ducks," I whisper.

Sherlock laughs loudly, much to my surprise. The mama duck squawks in fear and ushers the ducklings back to the water. I watch as Sherlock covers his mouth, trying to muffle his laughter.

He finally pulls his hand away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle the ducks."

"You have a beautiful laugh."

His face reddens at my sudden compliment. I smile, "You're blushing."

"I can't help it. You fluster me."

I kiss his lips softly, his arms wrap around my waist immediately, almost like it's second nature to him. The kiss becomes more passionate, and after a while, I have to pull away to catch my breath.

Sherlock pulls me back into him, catching my lips with his. I run my fingers through his hair, and his teeth tug at my bottom lip. He pulls away and begins kissing all over my face, ignoring my weak attempt to push him away as I giggle.

He presses a final kiss to my lips and smiles at me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He nods to himself, "Good, now let's go back to the house."


The walk back to the house took longer as Sherlock insisted on kissing me every ten steps. I'm not complaining, though. I would kiss him forever if I could.

"I packed us food for tonight, but we will have to go to the market in the morning."

I nod at his words, watching him move around the kitchen as he makes our dinner. I had offered to help him make our sandwiches, but he refused. So I opted to sit on the counter and watch him instead.

"I believe it'll rain tonight," he says.

"Really? But, it's been such a pretty day."

He hands me my plate, "Yes, but the temperature drops, and the strong wind suggests that a storm is coming. My guess is it'll hit tonight at around nine."

His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, and his hair is messy from our previous kisses. I suddenly find it hard to focus on dinner as I look him up and down.

He leans against the counter next to me, and I set my plate down beside me. He gives me a curious look as I grab his plate and set it down next to mine. I grab his tie and slowly drag him over to stand in front of me, in between my legs. His eyes are wide as he watches me.

"Kiss me."

And he does, without hesitation. My arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around my waist. He pulls me closer to him, but not enough for me to slide off the counter.

His hands slide up my sides, cautiously sliding under my bra. I move my hands to his and push them up. He gasps as his fingers graze my breasts.

"Always a gentleman," I mumble into his lips.

I hold back a moan when his fingers touch my chest again. He pulls back to smirk at me, "We should eat our dinner."

His hands slide out from under my bra slowly. He knows what he's doing. Sherlock grabs his plate and makes his way over to the empty dining room table. I let out a sigh and adjust my clothes before grabbing my plate and sitting with him.

We eat our food in silence. It's a comfortable silence, though. But, the tension between us is obvious, and I find myself eating much faster than I normally do.

A loud booming sound rattles the house. Sherlock pulls his pocket watch out, and smiles, "Just as I thought."

Rain pings against the windows now, and when I look over at his watch, I see that it's nine o'clock. I roll my eyes, "You're proud of yourself, aren't you?"


He takes our empty plates to the sink, and I follow him. "So, what do you have planned for us tomorrow?"

"We'll go to the market," he says, turning around to face me.

Another loud thunder rattles the house, I flinch at the sound of it, and the lanterns around us flicker wildly. Sherlock leans back against the counter, "Are you afraid of the thunder?"

"If I say yes, will you kiss me and hold me all night, like they do in the books?"

"I'd do that regardless," he says.

I step closer to him, and he grabs my chin and tilts my head back to look up at him. He leans down slowly but stops before his lips meet mine. I sigh before pushing him back into the counter and pulling him into a kiss.

He pulls away with a smirk, "You're awfully demanding tonight."

"Stop teasing me, Mr. Holmes."

"Then perhaps we should take this to the bedroom."

My face reddens, but I keep the smirk on my face as the two of us make our way upstairs.

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