My Final Note

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I myself am not good with words, so bear with me as you read through this note.

I'd like to say thank you to all of you for reading this story. I wrote the first five chapters shortly after watching "Enola Holmes 2" and I never planned to publish them. But I'm glad I did, because as cheesy as it sounds, writing this story has helped me.

It's been almost a year since I started writing this, and as of right now, this story has 550k reads, which is insane! I truly am thankful, and I wish I could thank you all in person. Reading your comments has been so fun, and I love talking to all of you. I've noticed that a few of you have befriended each other as well through the comments, which makes my heart swell with happiness.

I want to keep this note short, so I'll try my best to wrap up my final thoughts.....

Henry Cavill.

I know he'll never see this, but I'd like to thank him for inspiring this whole story. Because had it been another actor, I may not have written this.

Some of you may be upset that this story is ending, and I am as well. Believe me. There are tears in my eyes as I write this. But do not fret my dear readers, for Sherlock and (Y/n) very well could return. (After the third movie is released)

But for now, I will publish the two bonus chapters and mark this book as "complete."

This has been such an amazing experience. And if you ever get bored, feel free to check out my other stories. I imagine I'l have even more Henry Cavill stories by the time some of you read this.

Thank you again,

Love, WhelmedGrayson ♡

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