The Strangers

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Rubina was lazing around in her bed on a lazy Saturday morning. She had an off from work. Drifted in her thoughts, she didn't know how to spend the weekend. Fed up of the dating apps where she thought there is no one genuine, she started scrolling through her Instagram account and came across an Art workshop which was to be conducted that evening. Being from a creative background, she got very much excited for the same. She sat upright, checked the details and registered herself for the same.

Rubina was a small village girl who moved to the city to make her living. Being from a conservative family, she was taught to keep her thoughts to herself since her childhood. So she, being a curious person who wanted to explore things, became an introvert over time.

So being an introvert, she got sceptical whether she should go or not. The workshop was supposed to start around 7:00 pm and she started getting jitters since morning. But also excited for the workshop, she got up, went for a soothing hot water bath, had her brunch and started gathering all her art materials. She left for the workshop in the afternoon.

Reaching the venue early, she was waiting there for others to come. Meanwhile while going through the others' artworks, she came across a man standing right at the opposite corner in the verandah of that club. He was adoring the beautifully planted plants in the garden. He seemed to be lost in those flowers and leaves but Rubina couldn't take her eyes off him.

He was this tall, fair and bearded man maybe in his 30s wearing office formals. His light lemon color shirt and forest green trousers with black formal shoes and smart watch on his left hand's wrist made him look utterly handsome. She was mesmerized by his looks and couldn't take her gaze off him.

Finally she heard someone calling out to people to get into the club hall. That time Rubina and the handsome man exchanged glances and shared a smile. Even he was there for the art workshop.

They got in and received canvases and were asked to grab a seat. As instructed, they started their work. Rubina took a seat and found out the exact same man was sitting right beside her.

Soon they were instructed and were asked to start their work. They were asked to paint down their imaginations on the given canvases. Keen of plants and flowers he started painting beautiful flowers on his canvas and Rubina on the other hand infatuated by nature was trying to paint down a forest of lush green trees.

Drowned into their work, she was still stealing glances at him in between. He caught her looking at him once or twice. So he initiated the conversation, "Hi, I am Ravish." Excitedly she answered, "Hi, I am Rubina. Nice to meet you!"

They shared glances at each other with an ear to ear smile. They were busy painting and talking as well. She got to know that Ravish is into painting since 4-5 years and he was helping her mix the colors for the various shades of trees.

She got some paint on her hands and left cheek. Hairs were messy too. So Ravish put down his brush and helped tuck her hair behind her ears. When he was doing that for her, they again exchanged glances but this time with much more feelings and intensity. Later till the end of the workshop, they couldn't stop talking or stealing glances.

During their conversation, they found that many of their interests were the same. Both liked to be creative, paint, write, read books, travel, explore and many more. After the workshop, when she was about to bid him a goodbye, he asked her for a coffee. She didn't resist as if she was waiting for the same.

During the coffee, they got to know each other more. And that exchanging glances and mere handshake and soft touch ignited the fire within them. They left together as they got to know that they stayed nearby. So they booked a cab which was supposed to drop her first and then him. Sitting on the backseat in the cab, they stared at each other through the rearview mirror and in between touched each other's hands.

Couldn't resist, so he held her hand tightly without looking at her. Admiring it, she held it back even tighter. They were breathing heavily and could feel the warmth in their touches increasing. Soon they reached her apartment and when she was about to get off the cab, She turned, looked at him and invited him for a second round of coffee. He didn't deny it but followed her to her apartment.

When in the elevator, he didn't leave her hand. Finally they reached the tenth floor. She hurriedly took out the keys of her apartment and opened it. Getting in, they lost their control and got their lips locked with a lot of passion and affection.

She pushed him back to the wall and kissed him with a lot more passion this time. She rubbed her hands on his neck and moved towards his chest. She got back, looked at him and exclaimed, "Wow! You are so handsome!" And got back to kissing him without waiting for his reaction.

Soon they got away from each other, leaned opposite to each other on opposite walls and stared at each other, giggling. They removed their footwear and she pulled him into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, she started unbuttoning his shirt and he started undressing her blue floral dress by pulling the strings of her dress off her shoulders. While in the undergarments, he picked her up and gave sloppy kisses all over her face, neck, collarbone and shoulders. Her moans aroused him more. After he was done kissing, he sat at the edge of the bed to remove his socks and unzip his trousers, but Rubina pulled his trousers, tied her long hairs into a bun, made eye contact with him and got onto her knees to take a clear view of his erected wood.

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