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"I always loved yellow."

Crowley's face heated up instantly. His head snapped sideways and he put his glasses on and got up.

"I- uh. I...one second." Crowley

He walked toward the spiral staircase and once he was out of sight, he bolted upstairs. His heart was pounding. Suddenly, he tripped over something.

"What the heaven?!" Crowley

"Oh! Hello Mr. Crowley! I was just sorting these books out!" Muriel

"Oh. Why do I keep forgetting you are here kiddo." Crowley

"It's okay! Everyone always forgets that I'm there in heaven! At least I have loads of stuff to look at here." Muriel

"Hey kid. Uh, do you have any books on love? I know it's stupid but have you found any?" Crowley

Muriel looked up in confusion but shrugged their shoulders and let it go.

"Yes! Mr. Aziraphale has a whole collection up here of guides to love." Muriel

But Aziraphale only kept his private collection upstairs...

Muriel led Crowley to a smaller bookshelf filled with the books Azi liked. There was a small section of books about romance and how to be romantic.

"Thanks kid." Crowley

"Your welcome Mr. Crowley! Oh uhm..."Muriel

Crowley waited for Muriel to continue, eyebrows raised.

"Is Mr. Fell going to be okay? Why is he unwell?" Muriel

"He'll be fine kid, he just got into some trouble with your lot." Crowley

Muriel seemed satisfied with that answer and wandered back over to sorting out their book pile. Crowley rifled through the collection of love books and picked one up titled: How to confess and other tips.
It seemed good enough.
He opened the book and saw that some of the pages had been bookmarked. So Aziraphale did care. Hm.

Crowley read through some of the book, gaining knowledge on how to tell your 'crush' that you like them. He guessed he'd already done all of it so he gave up. Surely he could just wing it right? That's what he had been doing all of these years. He had never loved anyone else. He certainly liked other people but never loved anyone else. It had always been Aziraphale. It's not like they were humans, their love was different. Stronger. All of their emotions were stronger; it's just how they were built.

"Crowley!" Azi

Crowley stumbled down the stairs and ran to Aziraphale, who was curled up on the couch in a mountain of blankets.

"Yes Angel?" Crowley

He had always presumed that something was wrong when Aziraphale called for him.

"Could you sit with me? I'm a bit lonley..." Azi

"Of course." Crowley

So they sat together on the couch as Aziraphale read Crowley a poetry book.

If you were the rain,
I would never put up an umbrella.
Instead, I would lay on the cold concrete
And enjoy every drop that landed on my skin.
I would stay there,
Even if it meant I would drown in you.

Crowley thought about that poem. It reminded him of Aziraphale. It reminded him of when they first met, of when they were at the Garden, of when Az was in Edinburgh. They were always connected with the rain. Crowley would never get mad when it rained. He loved the rain. It reminded him of Aziraphale. And he loved Aziraphale, like he loved the rain.

As Aziraphale read, Crowley's eyes grew heavier. He hadn't slept since Az left, he tried but he just got nightmares. Maybe he wouldn't this time.

The demon slept on the angels shoulder. Azi kept on reading, just in case Crowley would wake up if he stopped.

After a while, Az decided to try to get up and get a couple more blankets. Slowly and carefully he stood, his whole body aching. He was fine, he had had lots of time to heal. All of his wounds had closed up, they were just painful. He steadied his balance as he fully stood up. He stumbled over to one of his closets and took a quilt out of it. It was made out of a rather exquisite cashmere and was an autumn brown colour. Aziraphale peered at the very long gap to the couch from where he stood and decided he would just have a small sit down to regain his energy. He sat at his desk, swaddled in the blanket. Soon enough he drifted off as well.

Crowley was jolted awake as Aziraphale pushed him onto the floor of the bookshop.

"What do you think your doing Crowley?" Azi

"Huh? What do you mean?" Crowley

"Why would you kiss me like that? You snake! Your just a pathetic demon and you always will be." Azi

"I know. I'm sorry Angel." Crowley

"You think sorry will fix everything? No. I'm leaving Crowley, I'm going back to heaven and I'm going to erase you from the book of life. It's what you deserve." Azi

Aziraphale woke up with a jump. Crowley had just sobbed...in his sleep? Az gently stood up and staggered over to the couch.

"Crowley, dear? Are you alright?" Azi

No reply, only sobs.
Aziraphale sat down beside him and lightly placed his hand on Crowleys shoulder. The demon jumped awake and breathed heavily.

"Az- Azi?" Crowley

"Yes dear, what's wrong?" Azi

"Y- you...you hated me." Crowley

"Whatever do you mean?" Azi

"You said that I was pathetic a- and that I...I." Crowley

Crowley started to sob. The Angel just held him, he didn't know what else to do. He had never seen Crowley cry before, not like this. The only time he had seen him cry was that day at the bookshop.

"Crowley dear, I would never call you pathetic. I dont think I could call anyone pathetic!" Azi

Crowley inhaled and wiped his eyes. He put his glasses on and stood up.

"I'm going out Angel. Don't go anywhere just rest." Crowley

"No. You are not going anywhere in this state. Sit back down right now." Azi

Aziraphale put on his deep voice; he knew it worked on Crowley.

Crowleys face heated up and his legs felt less stable.

"Fine." Crowley

Good Omens, Season 3Where stories live. Discover now