Chapter 10

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"Anyways, Azrael, do you have any ideas who the enemy might be?" Annabeth asked.

"Primordials...Powerful deities...that's about it," Azrael said, shrugging.

"Any idea who it might be?" Annabeth asked.

"Nope, but I've got to go. I promised someone something," Azrael said, jumping out of his seat and dashing out of the door before anyone could stop him.

"Hey buddy," Azrael greeted as he reached his tent. Ajax was standing next to the tent with his friends, two girls and two boys, all about Ajax's age.

"Az!" Ajax greeted happily.

"And who might you be?" Azrael asked.

"I am Sophie, daughter of Demeter," Sophie said shyly.

"I am Theo, son of Apollo," Theo said.

"I am Mattheo, son of Hermes," Mattheo said.

"And I am Aviana, daughter of Apollo," Aviana introduced.

"Well, I am Azrael and you can call me Az. Just like how Ajax greeted me. Come on, let's practice near the beach. I can teach you how to wield weapons and control your powers," Azrael said.

"You are not going to hurt us right?" Sophie asked.

"Of course not. I'll let you on a secret, but you must promise you won't tell other people. I used to live here, Ajax's brother too," Azrael said.

"Really? What happened?" Theo asked.

"That's another story for another time," Azrael said, ruffling his hair.

"Do we have to swear by River Styx?" Aviana asked.

"No need, just pinky promise. I don't want you to die," Azrael said with a warm smile.

"We promise," the five of them promised.

"I have a question," Mattheo said.

"Yes?" Azrael looked at him, confused.

"Why didn't Lord Zeus kill Annabeth and Dominic when they announced Perseus Jackson was innocent?" Mattheo asked.

"It is because the Olympians wanted to be sure they can win the war. Annabeth is probably the smartest here, I'll give her that. But Dominic is her husband, they would have to die together," Azrael answered.

"That still doesn't makes sense," Mattheo said still confused.

"I don't think they have a brain. Alright, come on," Azrael said, leading them to the beach.

"First, I will teach Sophie and Ajax how to control their powers," Azrael said. The five kids were hyper.

"Alright, Sophie and Ajax, take a deep breath and concentrate. It may take a while, but you need to imagine water or plants doing what you want them to do. Ajax, trying making a water bubble in the air, imagine water from the ocean slowly floating into the air and form a bubble," Azrael instructed. Ajax closed his eyes and concentrated hard. Slowly, water from the ocean floated and formed a water bubble formed in the air. Ajax opened his eyes and pumped his fist in the air.

"I did it, Az! Thank you. This is tiring though," Ajax yelled, he then sat down to have a rest. Azrael chuckled at his behaviour.

"Now Sophie, do exactly what Ajax did, but imagine a flower sprouting from the sand," Azrael said. Slowly, a flower bloomed from the sand, Sophie looked satisfied. She hugged Azrael and thanked him. Sophie them slumped into the sand next to Ajax.

"Now, you three will learn how to wield weapons. Aviana and Theo, I will give you temporary bows to work with, and Mattheo, I will give you a wooden sword to start with," Azrael said.

Azrael summoned two wooden bows and targets for the children of Apollo, and a wooden sword for Mattheo.

"Now, try firing at the bullseye," Azrael said. Both of them fired at the same time, but the arrow hit a few inches from the target.

"Not bad, but try to correct your stances. Your footing isn't correct, try moving a bit more to the left. Now, Mattheo, the most stable stance is this, you keep your feet apart but in a balance, hold your sword like this," Azrael said, also showing the children how to do it.

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