Chapter 1- Introductions

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"Y/N- Y/N!"

You look up from the blue screen on your desk. You massage your eyes as you ground yourself in reality once more. "Yes..?"

You're faced with an assistant you can't quite remember the name of.

"Crawford wants to see you." The woman informs, a curt smile on her face. "Are you sure you're alright, Y/N?"

You had a bad feeling in your gut. Being called into the boss's office was one of the many things you dreaded to hear on a Monday morning.

You force your expression to turn pleasant. "Of course." You stand from the chair, tucking it into the desk. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Thanks for telling me." You speak, before walking down the corridor. The bright lights irritating your eyes as per usual.

"God.." you mumbled, feeling a headache coming on. Turning to face the door, you procrastinate for a moment, hand hovering over the doorknob.

You feel the cold metal under your finger tips and sigh once more, before letting yourself in quietly. In the room, stood Jack Crawford and another man whom you swore you'd seen before.

"Ah, Special Agent L/N! Come in." Jack greeted. The other man turned to look at you, his body language closed-off and unapproachable.

He had curly brown hair, that hadn't been styled. He wore black glasses, and informal baggy clothes. It was difficult to see his face, but you could tell he was frowning.

"You needed me?" You ask, subtley making eye contact with the mystery man. His gaze flickered away almost immediately, like his curiosity had been fed by just a glance in your direction.

Jack stood between the two of you, creating a bridge between you. "Yes. I wanted you to meet Will, here. He's going to be joining us on this case." The larger man smiled, introducing us.

Will Graham. He was quite famous in the psychology department. Infact, you were sure you'd seen him once before. Alana had spoken to you about him a few times.

You held out your hand with a polite smile. "Y/N L/N."

He doesn't take your hand immediately, dithering for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you." He mutters, avoiding eye contact.

"Now, the reason I wanted to introduce you two is because I want you, Y/N, to oversee Will while he works with us." Jack asks, and you look over to Will for a moment to gauge his reaction.

"Are you sure?"

From what you've heard from Alana, bringing Will back into the field didn't sound like a great idea. Additionally, Jack pushing that responsibility onto you felt like a lot of pressure to bear.

The man only nodded, an irritating grin on his face. It's not like you were in any position to refuse. You swallow your tongue and force a smile, yourself. "Welcome to the team, Will."

He gives a faint smile. Not big on words, clearly.

You couldn't help but feel a little bit bad for the guy, as he'd clearly been subject to Crawford's manipulation tactics aswell.

"Graham, you're free to go now. I'll call you back into the office tomorrow to look at the body." The agent commands, walking to behind his desk.

Will silently leaves, but not before catching your eye once more on the way out.

The door clicks behind him, and you return your attention to the man who was now sat and gesturing for you to do the same.

You oblige, sinking into the material of the chair infront of his desk. "I've arranged for both you and Will to meet with a psychiatrist." The man informs you calmly, his hands clamped together on top of some paperwork.

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