Chapter 4- Into the Spider's Web

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"I must implore you to finish your supper, Y/N."

You are pulled from your trance by the man sat opposite you as he gestures to your plate.

You push it away from you, having barely picked at the meat. "I'm not very hungry. Sorry." You mumble, taking a sip of water.

"No need to apologise for your lack of an appetite. It's understandable, given the situation. Although, I do feel it regrettable you cannot enjoy my cooking." He comments, looking at the food infront of you.

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" You ask, your face contorting worriedly.

"I promise." He reassures, eyes lingering on you a little longer than need be. "You've killed before. I'm curious as to why you're so caught up about this one."

You massage your temples in deep thought, your head aching. "His death was not necessary."

He hums. "He attacked you, did he not? I'd say that's justification enough for doing what you did."

Your eyes gloss over as you stare at the fireplace behind him, the flames reflecting in your irises. "I guess so... you always make me feel safe, Hannibal."

He smirks, raising his glass to his lips. "I'm glad to hear that, Y/N. I understand you better than anyone else, so it is only natural."

"You do?"

"Yes." He glances at your expression, a small smile sneaking across his face. "Do you trust me, Y/N?"

You nod. "Of course... especially after today."

He stands from the table before picking up his and yours' plates from the table.

"Good." He utters, walking into the greys of the kitchen. You follow him like a lost puppy. Close behind. "Perhaps you should spend the night here." He analyses you, placing the dishes in the sink.

"Are you sure?" You ask, looking up at him with wide eyes.

He returns the favour with a slightly irritated expression as he tuts. "Y/N. What have we said about that?" 

You ponder his words for a moment. "I would like that." You correct yourself.

He smiles as he turns to face you, his face creasing around the eyes. "Allow me to show you to your room."

He leads you upstairs to a room with navy floral wallpaper and vintage oak furniture. It's decorated pretty sparcely compared to the other rooms. Clearly, he doesn't have visitors often.

"You should get some rest. You've had an exciting day." He states, his breath tickling at your neck as he stands behind you, extending the door open.

"I'll bring you a change of clothes. Although they'll have to be my own, if you don't mind." He says as he watches you explore the room.

It was very pretty, if not gothic. You loved it. "Thank you, Hannibal." You look him in the eyes, "it really means a lot to me."

"Think nothing of it." He beams, closing the door behind him to give you a moment to settle in.

The room smelt like him. Like that same fancy cologne that drove you crazy every time you smelt it. You collapsed on the bed, feeling the fresh sheets on your skin.

Only a moment later, Hannibal handed you one of his shirts and said his goodbyes for the night. After trying it on, you gave it a whiff. Sure enough, it smelt even more like him.

But despite being treated so kindly, your heart waned for more. You felt upset that he had retired to his own room for the night. You felt scared that you were in a strangers dark and unfamiliar home. You were terrified of what you'd done just hours before.

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