11.5- Shoyo's Nightmare

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In the midst of a deep slumber, Shoyo was abruptly jolted awake by the sharp, piercing sound of a whistle. His eyes fluttered open, and he was met with a surreal sight that left him utterly bewildered.

He found himself standing on the polished wooden floor of a vast and bustling gymnasium, surrounded by a sea of enthusiastic spectators who were cheering and clapping with fervor. The electric atmosphere reverberated with excitement.

Before him, a high-stakes volleyball match was unfolding in all its glory. Players in their vibrant team jerseys soared gracefully through the air, their powerful spikes and expertly executed sets leaving the audience in awe.

Shoyo then read the jersey on his side of the court as "Akihiro Volleyball Team" and the jersey on the other side of the court as "Estrein Volleyball Team". He then looked at what he was wearing and found out that he was still in his pajamas, which made him embarrassed.

The court was a battleground, the net a formidable barrier, and the ball a symbol of intense competition.

As Shoyo took in his surroundings, confusion gripped him. His voice was but a whisper amidst the cacophony of the crowd as he muttered to himself, "Huh? Where am I?"

The gymnasium, though unfamiliar, felt oddly comforting yet surreal. It was as if he had stepped into a dream where reality and fantasy coalesced.

Shoyo's heart raced, not just from the adrenaline in the air but also from the disorienting realization that he had somehow been transported to this volleyball arena. Questions swirled in his mind, and a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy fog.


The shrill sound of the whistle pierced through the air once again, and Shoyo's senses sharpened as he tracked the path of the incoming volleyball, which was now soaring toward him like a guided missile.

Every muscle in Shoyo's body tensed with anticipation as he instinctively positioned himself to receive the ball. The seconds felt like an eternity as the ball drew nearer, and he could almost feel the energy coursing through it.

But then, in a split second, the ball slipped through his outstretched arms as if it were a phantom. The feeling of surprise washed over him, leaving him momentarily paralyzed.

"Huh?" Shoyo muttered, his voice barely audible over the rhythmic pounding of his heart.

"I got it!" came a confident voice from the periphery, and someone from his team skillfully intercepted the elusive ball.

Turning to see the savior, Shoyo's eyes widened in astonishment as he recognized the familiar face of his older twin brother, Sora, who was wearing the Akihiro jersey.

"Aniki!" Shoyo exclaimed, his heart swelling with warmth and longing. He reached out to embrace Sora, but to his disbelief, his arms went through his brother as though he were a mirage.

A heavy sense of disappointment washed over Shoyo, and his heart sank like an anchor dropped into the depths of the ocean. It was as if he existed in a parallel universe, observing this surreal volleyball match from the sidelines, unable to make contact with the tangible world around him, and particularly unable to embrace the brother he so dearly missed.


With a sudden and unexpected "Fwoosh!" the entire scene before Shoyo transformed into a frenzied whirlwind as if time itself had hit fast-forward. The previously steady and predictable motion of the volleyball game became a chaotic dance of rapid movements.

Shoyo's eyes struggled to keep up with the lightning pace of the game. Players darted across the court like streaks of color on a canvas, and the ball itself seemed to teleport from one player to another. The audience's voices and the squeak of sneakers on the polished gymnasium floor melded into a cacophonous symphony of chaos.

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