18- Annihilation

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Hey, I hope all of you are doing great!

The vote goal is 40, so good luck and enjoy reading :D


The soft golden rays of the morning sun gently bathed the Miyagi Prefecture suburbs in a warm, ethereal glow.

"Haa!" As the world outside began to stir, Shoyo found himself emerging from the embrace of sleep, his limbs stretching languidly as he made his way to the kitchen.

Upon entering, his senses were immediately captivated by an enticing aroma that hung in the air like a promise of a delightful day ahead. To his astonishment, the kitchen countertop was adorned with a splendid spread: freshly cooked Waffles, crispy Bacon, and perfectly scrambled Eggs lay before him, their savory fragrance wafting through the room and making his stomach rumble in anticipation.

Shoyo's eyes widened in amazement, reflecting the sheer delight that filled his heart. "Whoa!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine surprise and gratitude.

But the enchanting surprises did not end there. As he inhaled deeply, his nostrils were graced by the heavenly scent of aromatic coffee, a rich and inviting fragrance that enveloped him like a comforting embrace. The promise of that first sip was almost palpable, and he could practically taste the indulgence in the air.

"Sho," a familiar voice called out, breaking his reverie. Startled, Shoyo spun around to find Sora standing there.

"Eek!" Shoyo squeaked in surprise, his reaction echoing through the kitchen like a delightful melody.

"Hahaha!" Sora's laughter bubbled up at Shoyo's adorable surprise, filling the room with a contagious sense of joy.

Shoyo then shifted his attention to Sora's outfit, studying the details with curiosity. Sora was wearing an orange jacket, the vibrant color contrasting with his black shorts. Underneath, he had black leggings, providing extra comfort and flexibility, and he completed the look with a pair of crisp white tennis shoes.

 Underneath, he had black leggings, providing extra comfort and flexibility, and he completed the look with a pair of crisp white tennis shoes

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(Just imagine him inside the house lol. But anyways, how is the drawing?)

Sora approached Shoyo, his fingers gently ruffling through his hair, a tender gesture that spoke volumes of their bond.

"Good morning, Sho," Sora greeted, his voice warm and affectionate. "How was your sleep?" he inquired, his concern evident in his eyes.

"It's great," Shoyo replied, his smile radiant, mirroring the morning sun streaming through the windows.

"That's great!" Sora responded, his enthusiasm infectious. "Anyway, eat some breakfast, and I will leave now."

Shoyo, curious, raised one of his brows in a questioning manner. "Why are you leaving so early?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I have a Tennis Practice Match, remember?" Sora explained a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," Shoyo replied, his tone tinged with understanding.

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