24- Sora Vs Nishinoya

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I changed the book cover again, how is it?
The crisp morning air carried a hint of excitement as Keishin gathered Sora and Nishinoya outside the gymnasium, their footsteps echoing on the deserted school grounds.

"So, Coach, what's this all about?" Sora inquired, his voice laced with curiosity as Nishinoya nodded in agreement.

"Well, I've been struggling to decide which of you two would be the best fit for the libero position," Keishin confessed, his expression etched with concern. "That's why I asked you both here today, to discuss and make a final decision."

Sora exchanged glances with Nishinoya, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Hey, Nishinoya-Senpai, up for a little competition?" Sora challenged, his voice dripping with playful banter.

Nishinoya's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Competition? But aren't you still recovering from your injury?" he questioned, his tone laced with disbelief.

Sora anticipated Nishinoya's apprehension and couldn't resist a playful jab. "What's wrong, Senpai? Afraid that Kiyoko-Senpai will be smitten by my dazzling form as I receive those powerful serves?" he teased with a sly smirk.

Nishinoya's eyes widened in mock indignation. "Smitten? Dazzling? You're delusional, Sora-kun!" he retorted, his voice laced with feigned offense. "I'm the one who'll capture Kiyoko-Senpai's heart with my lightning-fast reflexes and impeccable receives!"

Sora chuckled, his grin widening. "Oh, really? Then let's put it to the test, shall we? A little friendly competition never hurt anyone."

Nishinoya's competitive spirit ignited. "You're on, Sora-kun! Let's show Keishin-san who deserves that libero spot!"

Keishin sweatdropped at their banter, a bead of perspiration trickling down his temple. "Well, this is certainly...entertaining," he mumbled to himself, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth.


The volleyball court buzzed with anticipation as Sora and Nishinoya stood poised at opposite ends of the net, their eyes locked in a silent duel. The air was thick with unspoken tension, each player determined to prove their worth and claim the libero position.

Shoyo, Sora's ever-loyal twin brother, cheered from the sidelines, his voice echoing through the gym like a battle cry. "Let's go, Aniki!" he shouted, his enthusiasm infectious.

Tsukishima couldn't help but roll his eyes at the commotion. "Why are we doing this again?" he grumbled, his voice barely audible above the din.

Shoyo turned to Tsukishima, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "C'mon, Beanpole, show some support for Aniki!" he urged.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a faint smirk. "And why would I?" he retorted, his tone laced with his trademark sarcasm.

Despite his nonchalant demeanor, Tsukishima couldn't deny a flicker of interest in the upcoming competition. He had witnessed Sora's impressive skills firsthand and was curious to see how he would fare against Nishinoya.

He also wanted Sora to win.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team watched with equal curiosity, their faces etched with anticipation. They had seen both Sora and Nishinoya excel in practice, and they were eager to see who would emerge victorious in this friendly face-off.

Though, they also couldn't help but be worried for Sora since he was injured. But Sora reassured them that it was fine and the pain had disappeared for no apparent reason.

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