15. Kavish

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Getting inside the car ,she doesn't even give me a glance. Today , she's dressed in a lemon green checked shirt paired with white shorts . Her hair left loose like always, cover half of her face as she sits next to me . She isn't happy even when she's going back home . Is it because of me ? Or is it usually the same that she doesn't like going home ?

" why are you not happy" I ask occasionally looking at her cute face while driving .

"Because you are here"

"Hmm" I place a hand on her thigh yet she doesn't react or I should say tries her best not to .

"All lies"

"That is not a lie" she grits her teeth.

"How are you feeling about seeing your dad ?" I stop the car in front of the building that says Raisinghania Group . She thinks a little and then replies.

"I'm tensed he'll get angry at any of my actions because of you"

I click my tongue "you know what my sister would have said if asked the same question? I can't wait to see dad , I'm so happy. I'll ask him to buy me this , buy me that . I'll cook with him , go out with him and blah fucking blah " I glare at her and she averts her gaze like always "you don't love him sweetheart, you are afraid of him" and I'm here to open your eyes.

She says something in return that leaves my throat dry and exits the car " just like I will always be afraid of you and never love you"

I follow her outside and we enter inside the building.

Almost everyone here knows who kainaat is but still the eyes are fixed at me . People begin whispering and some come meet me too.

" untill now some must have ran away afraid of you and the other ones must have chosen you for their daughters" she speaks as we step inside the elevator.

I grab her elbow pulling her closer "There is only one man whose daughter I want"

"His daughter is engaged" she snatches her arm away as the door slides open.

"Fuck her engagement" I stride outside and enter inside the room .

Kainaat directs me towards a chair on which my name is written and then she strolls towards a chair ahead and sits near her dad who turns around and looks at me with a smile .

"All of you honourable members of the company are present here . All shareholders, directors and other employees have been called because we have received a proposal to remove the chairman" the entire hall goes silent . Kianaat turns her head towards her dad with dejection. They want to remove him .

"For this purpose , all of you will be called in a week again to vote in favour or againt the proposal"

I lean back and cross my leg over the other as the speaker goes on saying "the decision will be made seven days from now"

He steps down the stage as whispers erupt in the room once again "Mr. Solanki" someone voices and I look over my shoulder to a middle aged man .

He shakes a hand with me "I've known your father since five years . He's such a kind human being"

Kind ? My dad can kill your whole family without blinking if he wishes to. That's his job .

"Can we talk for once?"

"Ah- no" I get up picking my car keys and phone from the table . I hate to attend such meeting because they talk shit and we have to be dressed in formals .

Walking over to kainaat , I reject a dozen more proposals to talk and hear someone whispering " He's the hier of Solankis , yes he has one sister only "

"No Devansh not right now" her father speaks and I stop in my tracks when next to kainaat sits Mister fucker .

Both of them smiling and talking with no sense of the rest of world . My head heats up with anger but someone speaks "Hello Kavish"

A middle aged man with a boy . Not now motherfuckers .

I turn around but they ask again "I'm a friend of your dad from his mafia circle"

I glance at him again "he's my son and we've been thinking about asking to get him engaged to Ishani"

The last word from him mouth makes me clench my fist . I look at his son and I don't know if I should be angry or I should laugh .

I know my sister is a child but she doesn't need a clown .

Dad and I have pre- decided that we'll only give ishani -if we will ever give her- to a man not a boy . Someone who can protect her even from assasins , fulfill all her demands even if she asks for a monument and love her more than we do. He will be a mafia lord , the most daunting of all . People must fear his name so that nobody ever thinks of my sister even in dreams .

"Take your son away before I gut you both and pack you in a suitcase" I grit my teeth and their faces turn pale.

"Go home both of you" Kainaat's dad says when they both get up but then his gaze lands on me " kavish"
He grabs my arm and takes me to a corner as I watch devansh and kainaat walk out of the room.

"You know this is a difficult situation for me but you only can save me from falling . I hope you can do that much favour on me."

"I hate giving favours . Talk about business Mr Raisinghania. We mafias do not get into anything without our benifit . " I lean against the wall and he clears his throat .

"Okay just save me in return what do you ask for ?"

Yes fianally , I stand straight and look into his eyes before voicing "Kainaat"


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