end of the world

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"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a big mountain." Natasha said as they reached the top of the Vormir mountain. Natasha groaned.

"Not to mention its freezing cold." Cecelia said, snow was falling on the 3 of them as they stood. Cecelia shivered, her teeth chattering together.

"Technically he's not a raccoon, you know?" Clint asked them, Cecelia smiled as the two females looked at him.

"Oh, whatever. He eats garbage." Natasha finished their conversation. Cecelia let out a laugh.


Cecelia reached into her navy blue belt, grabbing out a gun. She cocked it as she turned around, pointing it at the voice. She turned around to see a cloaked figure, floating.

"Natasha. Daughter of Ivan. Clint. Son of Edith. Cecelia. Daughter of Marshall." The voice said, Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows. He knew her parents? How would he know her parents? He was just some guy.

"I have her here, ok? She's right here!" Marshall yelled, a bullet went towards Marshall.

"Papa!" Cecelia yelled as Marshall dropped his daughter. He dropped to the ground, holding his stomach.

Cecelia heard the bullet and her yells as if she was being abducted from her home at that very moment. Cecelia took a deep breath as she raised took a step forward with Natasha and Clint.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked, her gun pointed at him. Clint had his bow and arrow pointed as well, an arrow ready to shoot him.

"Consider me a guide to you...and to all who seek the Soul Stone." The echoey voice said as he floated onto the ground. Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows. The stone was on the mountain, right? Why would they need some guide.

"Oh, good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way." Natasha said. The cloaked figure looked up at them, revealing a red face, it almost looked like a skull.

"If only it were that easy." He said, his voice sounding almost normal. Cecelia stared at him, seeing familiarity, maybe. "Do you recognize me, Cecelia?" He asked, Cecelia tightened her grip on her gun.

"I don't know, should I?" She asked, her finger on the trigger.

"The symbol you once wore on you, it had a red skull, did it not?" It asked, Cecelia looked down at the rocks.



"My boy!"

"убей их" (kill them)

"good soldiers follow orders"

Cecelia stared at him, had he started Hydra? The symbol was a red skull, and this man literally had a red skull. Was it his fault that she was out through so much pain, so much suffering?

"Did you start Hydra?" Cecelia asked him, he didn't respond to her question directly.

"What does your symbol have?"

"It's not my symbol." Cecelia said, getting ready to shoot him then and there. Natasha felt horrible. She didn't want Cecelia to meet the creator of the organization that made her the way she was. The bad person, the now pained little girl.

"It always will be, little one. Once you're in Hydra, you cannot escape it. Once you're a murderer, your always a murderer." He said, Cecelia looked down. Her grip was no longer tight, she lowered her gun as he hit her weak spot.

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