its over

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When Cecelia decided to get off of her ass, she got out of her apartment. She ordered take out for her and Bucky, who probably wouldn't be home in hours, but he needed to eat to.

So when the deliverer came knocking on the door, Cecelia got off of the couch. She walked over to the door and opened it. An ice pack was strapped on her shoulder from some thing that Bucky had after they fought Thanos. Apparently his other arm hurt or something and the hospital gave it to him. That hospital was very chaotic, especially with several Avengers coming in.

Cecelia remembers being rushed into surgery at the hospital. Apparently they had to such a bad laceration in her leg she needed to have it surgically stitched or something. When she got there, she was losing blood horribly, but she was to distracted that she didn't even noticed the trail of blood leading her to the hospital.

That doesn't exactly matter, all everyone knows is that the Avengers were at the hospital, and they gave Bucky an ice pack for his shoulder. End of story.

Cecelia opened the door to see a man with her dinner. She put on a grin before receiving it. She paid him the money, giving him a thank you before walking to the counter. She put the bag down and walked back over to the door to close it.

Before she did, she saw a man with several grocery bags, and some of them dropping. She went into her pocket to feel if she had her keys, and she did. She closed the door and rushed outside to the man.

Mr. Jensen.

"Here, let me help, sir." Cecelia said, picking up several bags. He smiled as he looked up at her as she did so, all with her other hand.

"You should rest your arm." He said to her, his very old voice speaking to her.

"Might be a good idea, but what's the fun in that?" Cecelia asked, trying to act all nice for the man. He smiled and sighed as he took out his keys. Cecelia waited there as he pulled it out.

He unlocked his door, and slowly walked into his apartment. She followed him inside looking around. When she first walked in, she saw a table. That table had photos of his wife, and his 3 children. Cecelia looked at them, her heart beating quickly as she did.

"Can you place those in the table for me?" He asked, breaking her from staring at the table. She looked over at him and nodded her head.

"Yeah, of course." She said before walking over. She put his bags on the the table as he walked over to her, his wallet in his hand. He started to pull out cash, and Cecelia politely declined.

"Take it, there aren't many good people like you." He said trying to hand her the 20 dollar bill. Cecelia again declined.

"Sir, please, I'm ok." She said, not wanting his money. She couldn't take it, especially not from him.

"Please, take it." He said and Cecelia shook her head no.

"Please, I am good. I just figured I could help." Cecelia said as she lightly patted his hand down and away from her. He sighed as she uncomfortably looked around.

There were photos of his family. Everywhere. She couldn't turn and not see a photo of each kid, how they smiled.

Tell him

Cecelia swallowed down the lump in her throat as she looked at him.

"I, um. I'm sorry." She apologized as he looked up at her. He was slightly shorter than her because he had shrunk due to his old age.

"You probably think I am crazy, all of my family on my walls." He chuckled dryly, Cecelia shook her head no.

"No, not crazy, not at any stretch." Cecelia said before looking at him. "Can I tell you something, sir?" Cecelia asked, he nodded his head.

"Of course, take a seat with me." He said, Cecelia took a deep breath before walking with him to his couch, slowly. She sat next to him and clasped her hands together.

"I knew your family." Cecelia said before looking down. "I, well, I know that they passed, they were murdered, and..." Cecelia trailed off. The man only sat there as Cecelia spoke. "They were murdered by The Hydra Soldier, better known as the Asset." Cecelia said, before taking a deep breath. "And that was me." She said shakily, the man didn't react. He only sat there, nodding his head.

"I didn't have a choice." Cecelia said, looking at him in the eye. He nodded his head, a small glimmer in his eye as she spoke to him. He wasn't angry, or anything. Of course he was sad, who wouldn't be? But he remained calm, and he didn't resent her.

"I know."

He knew. He knew everything. He did used to work at Hydra, after all.

"I've known ever since you moved in, dear. You may forget that I worked at HYDRA." He told her, Cecelia scratched the inner corner of her eye.

"Well, I thought you should know that I am no longer the Hydra Soldier. I am Cecelia Barnes and you're part of my efforts to make amends." Cecelia quoted herself, she didn't sound robotic this time. She said it with meaning to him. His hand went over hers as he looked at her.

"I should apologize to you." He said as he looked down. "I hurt you, I took part in HYDRA, if you brain remembers, I was the man starting that machine until I left." He said, Cecelia looked up at him. Her eyes flashed, suddenly he was no longer the victim in this all. She was.

"That doesn't take brainwashing to click a button." He told her, Cecelia nodded her head. Her hand went through her hair as he nodded his head. "I am sorry." He told her, she nodded again.

"Me to."

"You had no choice, and it was my fault that you have to make half of those amends." He said as she sat there, stone faced.

"I think I should go." Cecelia said, looking up at him. She didn't want to look at him anymore. He nodded his head as she stood up.

She quickly walked out, closing the door behind her. She let one tear drip down her cheek, and then she wiped it away.

She unlocked her door and then walked in, slamming it. She walked to her chair, grabbing her notebook. She pulled the small book out, opening it.

With last names A-Z, she went to the J section.

Jensen x

Cecelia closed the boom for good. She covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

It's over

She smiled into her hand, letting out a small, happy laugh. She wiped a happy tear away as she stood up straight.

It's over

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