7. Altruism

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The day began with a radiant sunrise casting a warm golden glow through the windows of Y/N's home. It was early morning, and the peaceful atmosphere in the living room was broken only by the quiet chatter between Y/N and his mother, who were sitting on the plush sofa, sipping on cups of steaming coffee.

Their smiles were a testament to the good news they held close to their hearts. Emily, or as they knew her, was about to join them, unaware of the unexpected joy that awaited her.

Emily, with her characteristic infectious smile, emerged from her room to the sounds of animated conversation. "Good morning," she greeted cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Good morning, Emily," Y/N replied, his eyes bright with excitement. "You're up early. Something exciting is happening today."

Emily couldn't help but catch Y/N's enthusiasm. "Oh, really? Do tell! I love a good morning surprise."

Y/N's mother joined in the conversation, her eyes filled with delight. "We've had some wonderful news, dear."

The anticipation was palpable, and Emily couldn't wait to hear what had put that gleam in their eyes. "Okay, spill it. What's going on?"

Y/N, with an ear-to-ear grin, leaned in closer to Emily. "You won't believe it. I got a very special call today."

Curiosity brimming over, Emily leaned in closer, hanging onto Y/N's every word. "Special call? From whom?"

"It was Taylor's manager," Y/N revealed, a triumphant tone in his voice. "They want me to be the photographer for her upcoming album!"

Emily's eyes widened with astonishment. "Wow! That's incredible, Y/N. Congratulations!"

The happiness in Y/N's eyes was infectious. Emily could tell this meant the world to him. "Thank you, Emily. I'm thrilled about it."

Y/N continued to share the fantastic news. "But that's not all. This photoshoot is going to be in France, and Mom and I are going there for it."

Emily's eyes lit up with wonder. "France? That sounds like a dream!"

Y/N nodded, his excitement bubbling over. "I thought so too. And guess what? I'm planning to ask Mabel to join us. It would be so much fun!"

The surprise continued for Emily, and she was touched by Y/N's thoughtfulness. "That's incredibly sweet of you, Y/N. I'm sure she'll love it."

Then Y/N turned to Emily with a hopeful smile. "And, um, I was thinking... would you like to come too?"

Emily's eyes widened, and for a moment, she was rendered speechless. She hadn't expected him to extend the invitation to her. Her voice quivered slightly as she stammered, "I... I'm not sure. I'll have to talk to my manager."

Y/N's mother chimed in, her warmth evident in her words. "Emily, we really want you to join us. And don't worry about expenses; Y/N will take care of everything."

Y/N nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting his sincerity. "Absolutely. We'd love to have you with us, Emily."

She reached for her official phone, which was usually on silent mode, and as she unlocked it, she noticed a barrage of missed calls and messages. One of the messages stood out, from Chloe. She opened it, and her eyes widened with pride.

"Job done. Y/N's hired for Tay's next album photoshoot." Said the message from Chloe. Emily's smile grew wider.

Emily was touched by their kindness, feeling a deep connection forming. "I'll talk to my manager and let you know. Thank you so much for this offer. It means a lot to me," she said, her gratitude evident.

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