16. Into The Storm

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Author's Note:
Hi there, thank you for joining me on this incredible journey through the twists and turns of this story. Your support has been truly heartwarming, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you who has taken the time to read and engage with this book.

As we move forward, I want to give you a heads up that the plot is about to take a turn into more controversial territory. By controversial, I mean that it may touch upon sensitive subjects and emotions that could be overwhelming for some readers. I want to assure you that I approach these topics with care and respect, but I understand if they may not be suitable for everyone.

Your continued support means the world to me, and I hope that you'll stick with me through this next phase of the story. Your comments and feedback are always appreciated, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share this journey with you. Thank you again for being a part of this adventure.


Mabel found herself lost in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as she sat amidst the lively chatter of her classmates reunion party. Her thoughts were consumed by Y/N, and the turmoil of knowing he was entangled with someone who could potentially hurt him.

Layla, ever perceptive, noticed Mabel's subdued demeanor amidst the festive atmosphere. She approached her with concern, nudging her gently and inquiring about what was troubling her.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Layla asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern as she settled beside Mabel.

Mabel offered a strained smile and attempted to brush off Layla's concern with a casual sip of her drink. "Come on, Mabel! I know there's something up. Tell me!" Layla persisted, shaking her friend gently.

"Nothing serious, Layla," Mabel replied with a forced smile, hoping to deflect the conversation away from her inner turmoil.

But Layla was not so easily deterred. She could sense that Mabel was holding something back, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. "Come on, you are clearly lying. What is it?" Layla prodded further, sitting closer to Mabel.

Mabel sighed, her facade crumbling under Layla's persistent questioning. "Is it about a boy?" Layla teased with a knowing smirk.

Mabel's eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by Layla's astute observation. "Ooo! I get it. Who is the lucky guy?" Layla continued, nudging Mabel playfully.

"It's nothing like that," Mabel protested weakly, though her blush betrayed her true feelings.

But Layla was undeterred, sensing that there was more to the story than Mabel was letting on. "You're in denial, babe!" Layla giggled, nudging her friend once again.

Mabel found herself lost in thought once more, unable to shake the image of Y/N from her mind. Layla's persistent questioning only served to amplify her inner turmoil.

"Does he like you back or is that what is bothering you?" Layla pressed on, determined to uncover the truth.

Mabel hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "Tell me, who is he?" Layla prodded further, listing off possible candidates from their college and neighborhood.

Mabel's eyes widened in surprise when Layla mentioned their neighbor, and she couldn't help but blush at the thought. "No, it's not..." she began to deny, but Layla interrupted with excitement.

"Your neighbor! Is it that the photographer guy?" Layla squealed, delighted at the prospect.

Mabel's cheeks flushed even deeper, her attempt to deny her feelings falling flat in the face of Layla's relentless questioning.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚! Hailee Steinfeld X M! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now