15. Coerced Vows.

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Hailee froze as Mabel's eyes met hers, the secret now exposed. "Mabel, let me explain," Hailee pleaded.

Mabel's eyes widened, her expression shifting from shock to anger as she took in the revelation. "Emily? But you're... you're Hailee?" Mabel stuttered.

"Please, Mabel, let me explain," Hailee pleaded, her eyes filled with regret.

Mabel, however, wasn't ready to hear it. "Explain? How do you explain betraying our trust. Betraying his trust and playing with his feelings?" she snapped, her voice sharp.

Hailee took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself. "It's not like that. I never meant to hurt him."

"How could you not see this would hurt him? What game are you playing?" Mabel questioned, her disappointment evident.

Hailee, feeling the weight of her actions, responded, "It's not a game. I... I just wanted to understand Y/N better. I never meant for it to go this far."

Mabel, still upset, folded her arms and huffed.

Hailee took a deep breath, ready to confess her web of deceit. "It started at the photoshoot for my song. Y/N was the photographer, and I was in a terrible mood that day. I wasn't the kindest to him, and it set a bad impression."

Mabel listened, her arms crossed, waiting for more. Hailee continued, "Then came the charity event. I was working with my cousin, and I didn't know Y/N was supposed to be the photographer. So I helped my cousin to take the role, unknowingly taking it away from Y/N."

Mabel's eyes widened in realization, "You replaced him on purpose?"

"No, no," Hailee hurriedly clarified. "I didn't know he was the photographer until later. It was a terrible coincidence."

Mabel's skepticism remained, "That doesn't explain anything you are doing."

Hailee winced at the memories "I found out he hates me, so I thought becoming Emily would allow me to be close to him without him knowing."

Mabel's anger shifted to confusion. "Hates you? Why would he hate you?"

"Its complicated."

Mabel sighed, "So, he has reasons to dislike you. You've given him plenty. But I am sure he doesn't hate you."

Hailee nodded, "I know. That's why I want to make things right. But I need to know, Mabel, why does he hate me so much? It feels like there's more to it than just these incidents."

Mabel hesitated, "He's been through a lot. His life hasn't been easy. Maybe he sees you as osomeone who adds more chaos."

Hailee absorbed this information, realizing the depth of the situation. "I never intended for any of this. I just want him to know the truth and understand why I did what I did."

Mabel sighed, conflicted. "This is a mess. You need to tell him the truth. Whatever your intentions, he deserves to know."

Hailee nodded, "I plan to, but I need to find the right time." Hailee, with a hint of desperation, continued, "Mabel, you have to understand. Y/N can't find out about this. It will ruin everything."

Mabel crossed her arms, skepticism evident in her expression. "And what's everything, Hailee? A game? Playing with someone's feelings?"

"No, it's not just.... I... I didn't plan for it to go this far. I never thought I'd actually start liking him," Hailee confessed.

Mabel raised an eyebrow, "Liking him? You mean Y/N? The one you've been deceiving all this time?"

Hailee sighed, "I know it sounds messed up, but I didn't plan for any of this. Y/N hates me, and this was the only way I could get close to him."

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚! Hailee Steinfeld X M! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now