The Only Cute Death Eater

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Hola, peeps!

Welcome back! Thank you so much for continuing to read my story. I don't know why you are, but I thank you for it.

So, I'm wondering if you guys want me to eventually have Luke (under Kronos's control) be working with Voldemort. I'm still not sure about it. Please comment your thoughts on it.

Anyways, I don't want to keep you bored.


Percy's POV:

No matter how long I stay here for, I'll never get used to Hogwarts.

The school was weird without the moving stairs and moving paintings. When I said that a knight looked like an actor I'd seen on TV, the knight looked down on me and asked, "What sort of dangerous contraption is a 'TV'"? Percy nearly fainted on the spot.

When Gryffindor reached the common room, they were greeted by a lady who was named, The Fat Lady.

"Cookies," a prefect said. The painting swinged open, and everyone stepped inside. I chuckled at the password, then immediately thought of home. How was I going to explain this to Mum and Paul. How was I going to explain this to Annabeth. Oh, she would not be happy with me. 

My fears were momentarily forgotten when we entered. The room was heated by a warm fire, and there were velvet couches and Persian rugs on the ground. There were 2 stairs leading further into the castle. I assumed that they were the stairs to their rooms.

There was a sheet of paper on a table nearby, saying which dorms were whose.

I haven't seen Harry Potter in a long time, so I'm sorry if any of the descriptions are inaccurate.

Somehow, my name was included in the list.

Room 14:

Harry Potter

Ronald Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Perseus Jackson

I looked around, trying to figure out who could be my roommates. My eyes landed on a boy with brown hair and eyes. He seemed to be eyeing me and the paper, unsure how to deal with the situation.

I decided to approach him. "Hi, my name's Percy, but I think you already know that." I spoke.

The boy seemed startled but responded calmly. "Nice to meet you, Percy. My name's Neville."

After some awkward silence, I decided to speak again. "So, it appears that we're roommates. Do you mind if I shadow you and ask you a billion questions whilst I get settled in?"

"Uh, yeah. That's no problem." Neville seemed pleasantly surprised. He seemed to relax. "But wouldn't you rather be with Harry and Ron?"

"Why would I want that?"

"Well, they're sort of a big deal here. They're part of the trio that saved Hogwarts from Voldemort last year and they are kind of a big deal now. Everyone wants to be friends with them."

"Who's the third person in the trio?" I asked.

"Hermoine Granger."

Interesting name, I thought. "Well, you seem like a good person. I think I'll stick with you."

Harry's POV:

Percy was looking better and better in my eyes.

Anyone can tell that Neville is awkward and a little odd, but Percy went up to him regardless, not caring about that in the slightest. It was admirable.

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