Chapter 12: The Demon and Intoxicating Revelations

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Author's Note: Ahhh!! Finally had time to write, thank you everyone for the supportive compliments and patience! Can't wait to start writing more regularly again!!

The atmosphere inside the tavern enveloped Cinderella in a wave of warmth. As she navigated the lively crowd, the collective heat of joyous revelers pressed upon her from all sides. Bodies swayed and twirled on the wooden floor, which, under the influence of an evening's merriment, had grown sticky, bearing the remnants of spilled alcohol intermingled with sweat, saliva, and the residue of other bodily excretions.

The townsfolk, with their hearts aflame, harmonized in song, clapping in unison and stomping their feet with fervor. Their voices resonated with the infectious rhythms, echoing through the raucous tavern. Amid this lively mixture of sounds, Cinderella could feel her own body beginning to surrender to the allure of the intoxicating brews that flowed freely.

Drawn toward the center of the bustling establishment, Cinderella found herself amid a swirling dance of jubilant souls. A delighted giggle bubbled from her lips as she twirled, her fingers gracefully entwined with the hem of her dress. Her attire flowed with an effortless elegance, mirroring the fluidity of her movements. A radiant smile adorned her face as she surrendered to the vibrant surroundings, allowing the music to guide her steps.

Unbeknownst to Cinderella, Sukuna had made his secretive entrance into the tavern. Pushing open the creaking wooden doors, he was met with a sensory barrage. The amalgamation of alcohol and sweat reached out to assail his senses, causing his nose to scrunch in mild discomfort. Resigned to the necessity of enduring the atmosphere, he began scanning the energetic crowd, his sharp eyes searching for a particular figure.

Making his way to the bar, Sukuna decided that fortifying himself with a drink was imperative to survive this rumbustious atmosphere. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a coin sailing toward the bartender, who deftly caught it. Leaning casually against the bar, he observed the ongoing revelry, his gaze unwavering in its quest. A drink was slid across the bar to him, and he accepted it, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the dance floor.

Amid the tumultuous crowd, Cinderella stood as a beacon of radiance, a lighthouse amidst the swirling tempest of dancers. The crowd seemed to part, as if by divine design, creating a clear line of sight to the vivacious Cinderella. Her presence seemed to defy the cacophonous music that surrounded her, and Sukuna couldn't help but imagine the joyful laughter that undoubtedly accompanied her spirited dance.

She twirled with grace, her dress trailing in a mesmerizing choreography of fabric and form. A toss of her dress in one direction, a graceful kick of her foot, and a timely spin in perfect harmony with the music. She danced in joyous communion with those around her, linking arms and spiraling round and round like a living carousel.

Sukuna, a silent observer, continued to savor his drink as he watched Cinderella. It was a side of her he had never expected to see – so full of life and vitality. A sharp contrast to her confinement within the mansion's walls. As he sipped the bitter elixir, a sense of unexpected enjoyment began to creep over him. He mulled over his options – should he wait quietly in the shadows or orchestrate a chance encounter? The desire to be close to her in this moment of revelry tugged at his thoughts, beckoning him to decide his course of action.

Amidst the whirlwind of dancers, Cinderella continues to dance joyously in the music that permeated the air. The lively tune that enveloped the tavern signaled a crowd favorite, causing the room to erupt in joyous cheers. The infectious energy spurred everyone to find a partner, uniting strangers in a harmonious dance.

A bright smile adorned Cinderella's lips as she marveled at the wondrous connection forged by the shared music. Lost in her thoughts, she was taken by surprise when a stranger approached her. His suave demeanor was evident as he extended a hand, inviting her to join him in the dance. Cinderella offered a polite smile and accepted his offer, allowing the dashing man to guide her to the center of the floor.

A Cinderella Demon Tale: Sukuna and CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now